US Slaps Tariffs on Solar Panels from China

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  • samhpes
    US Slaps Tariffs on Solar Panels from China

    Originally posted by Sunking
    Can you say the DEATH of SOLAR?
    Chinese are now focussing on nuclear power plants.

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  • Naptown
    Hawaii is also having a bit of trouble managing the grid.

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  • KRenn
    Originally posted by Solar_atty
    Even if Hawaii is a small market, they do provide a good example of how to put the onus on generators re interconnection and grid parity. Seems like it will be good test ground for energy storage also.

    Of course, they have the most expensive electricity in the U.S., its not all that shocking. If only everyone else in the U.S. would triple or quadruple their cost of electricity, they could have grid parity too.

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  • Solar_atty
    Even if Hawaii is a small market, they do provide a good example of how to put the onus on generators re interconnection and grid parity. Seems like it will be good test ground for energy storage also.

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  • buck
    China Tariff

    What is the current tarriff on solar panels from China? is this for a completed panel?

    is it a different tariff amount for parts?

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  • thastinger
    wtf is that above? that hurts my head.

    For you China peeps reading need to get into the roof racking bidness...the racking costs as much as your panels these days and it is total BS.

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  • Mattsd
    Tariffs will be much higher if China is found guilty of anti-dumping practices. We should know soon how severe it will be.

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  • jasonmorris
    I think the concept of solar panels has become quite beneficial these days, it is because there are tons of advantages people can acquire, solar panel installation service provided by so many companies these days, and we can select reliable company that will provide expertize service. Mod note - and then you put in your link to your solar related site? Advertising links are not allowed.
    Last edited by russ; 05-05-2012, 07:55 AM.

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  • Legacy
    ah ha after reading Sunking responces and threads for months I now know why he writes the way he does
    its because the last time he had Maui Wowie it was mixed with Labrador

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  • KRenn
    Originally posted by Sunking
    No problem. I will be there in mid May for 2 weeks for vacation. Let me know where you are at, and I will buy you lunch . Will be on Maui. Fell free to chunk all the Pineapples and Macadamia Nuts you want at me, that way i do not have to buy them to take home. While you are at it; throw some of the Maui Wowie at me too.

    Hawaii and Jamaica are my favorite vacation destination and try to alternate every other year. Sometimes both in the same calendar year.

    I'm not actually in Hawaii, but like you, I tend to be a semi-frequent visitor. Not often enough if you ask me.

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  • Sunking
    Originally posted by KRenn
    Don't talk so much crap, I heard they have a tendency to hold grudges there. :P Don't be shocked to catch a pineapple upside the head next time you're in Maui.
    No problem. I will be there in mid May for 2 weeks for vacation. Let me know where you are at, and I will buy you lunch . Will be on Maui. Fell free to chunk all the Pineapples and Macadamia Nuts you want at me, that way i do not have to buy them to take home. While you are at it; throw some of the Maui Wowie at me too.

    Hawaii and Jamaica are my favorite vacation destination and try to alternate every other year. Sometimes both in the same calendar year.

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  • KRenn
    Originally posted by Sunking
    Hawaii is not a market! Not even enough to justify one manufacture.

    Don't talk so much crap, I heard they have a tendency to hold grudges there. :P Don't be shocked to catch a pineapple upside the head next time you're in Maui.

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  • Sunking
    Originally posted by KRenn
    Clearly you don't get out to Hawaii much?
    Hawaii is not a market! Not even enough to justify one manufacture.

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  • KRenn
    Originally posted by Sunking
    The US like Germany is cutting subsidies. Without your neighbors picking up most of the expense there is no price point solar can compete with commercial conventional power.

    Clearly you don't get out to Hawaii much? In anycase, yes the incentives are going away, but prices have decreased so much, its having less of an effect. 3 years ago, at $6.00 a watt, you could get a $3.00 a watt rebate, now you get maybe $1.00 or less but with panel prices at $3.00-3.50 a watt, it is less of a factor. Plus the 30% tax credit is in effect until 2016 and that's the biggest incentive nowadays.

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  • Sunking
    Originally posted by KRenn
    I doubt it, the Chinese manufacturers can shrug off a 5% tariff. With Germany flailing, the US is still going to be a key market for them and they can still undercut the domestic competition here.
    The US like Germany is cutting subsidies. Without your neighbors picking up most of the expense there is no price point solar can compete with commercial conventional power.

    Look at any solar manufacture stock price and earnings like FSLR the USA golden child of solar manufactures has lost 95% of their market cap, and has negative Earnings. It is all but over, don't get caught holding the stocks when they go to ZERO. Sell them now and let someone else hold the bag.

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