"Re-deployed" solar panels (Tesla) and Tesla tiles

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  • peakbagger
    Used panels also do not qualify for the 30% federal tax rebate. Even if you get 30% off the panels you also lose the rebate on the inverters and install cost

    Save your bucks and wait until you install a new roof and have the roofer install the brackets for panels.If you can swing both, have the roofer install WR Grace Ice and Water shield under the new roofing where the panels go in. It makes adding roof brackets after the roof goes on a lot easier to seal up.
    Last edited by peakbagger; 12-04-2018, 06:57 AM.

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  • Mike90250
    used panels carry no warranty. Poor/rough handling of panels can damage them, and it may not appear for a year or 3.

    Coordinate your roof replacement with the solar install, let the roofer seal stuff up as the solar folks bolt the brackets in.

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  • Vitt
    started a topic "Re-deployed" solar panels (Tesla) and Tesla tiles

    "Re-deployed" solar panels (Tesla) and Tesla tiles

    Hi, I am new here and new to solar. Started to research solar panels recently. I thought I was going to need a new roof soon, so I was considering the Tesla tiles. Any thoughts on those? My roof is not leaking, and after an opinion from someone, it could last a few more years.

    Secondly, I did contact Tesla about their Panasonic panels and the price was high at $4.22/Watt, and that was after the tax credit for California. Thanks to this site I learned that I should be looking for around $3/watt.

    I hesitated on the Tesla panels and on Friday he sent me an offer to purchase re-deployed panels. They are panels that were taken off existing customers for defaulting on lease payments. They come with a 10 yr warranty. He said it's cash customers only and my cost would be about $4062 for 8 panels. The new panels would produce 5,598 kWh per year so I am assuming the used ones would do the same. I think I've learned enough to know that large company installers is not the way to go. I am also getting someone to come give me an estimate on a new A/C system to decide if I should replace the old one instead.

    So my three questions are: (1) what is your opinion on re-deployed panels; (2) on the Tesla tiles? and (3) I plan to buy the Solar Your Home for Dummies Second Ed. That was published in 2010. Is all or most of the info still relevant today, eight years later?
