It is this kind of poor reporting and lack of checking with industry experts, that shows that TV news is just about ratings and commercials. NBC Washington doesn't bother to talk to a single industry expert, only reporting "Facts" from two people who both state they have had no specific training.
Then claims there are no local or state wide standards in MD or VA. Total horse ****. Both states have AHJ fire code standards governing solar installations. They further report that there is no way to shut off solar, more BS reporting, ever heard of NEC 2014 code or even NEC 2017 code. 2014 includes rapid shutdown requirements, which literally means that there has to be a labeled switch within sight of the meter that will shut all solar power down to safe levels in seconds. And 2017 automatic rapid shutdown, which means that turning off the power to the home (standard procedure on any house fire) automatically shuts solar voltage levels to safe levels. Between fake news by people like Jodie Fleischer, NBC4 and vaporware stories by Musk to try to save SolarCity finances, doing big coal and oils dirty work for them, real solar installers are in for a rough 2017.
Then claims there are no local or state wide standards in MD or VA. Total horse ****. Both states have AHJ fire code standards governing solar installations. They further report that there is no way to shut off solar, more BS reporting, ever heard of NEC 2014 code or even NEC 2017 code. 2014 includes rapid shutdown requirements, which literally means that there has to be a labeled switch within sight of the meter that will shut all solar power down to safe levels in seconds. And 2017 automatic rapid shutdown, which means that turning off the power to the home (standard procedure on any house fire) automatically shuts solar voltage levels to safe levels. Between fake news by people like Jodie Fleischer, NBC4 and vaporware stories by Musk to try to save SolarCity finances, doing big coal and oils dirty work for them, real solar installers are in for a rough 2017.