Quote from greentechmedia.
SCE’s proposal also asks the CPUC to consider ways to more accurately measure solar systems that are paired with behind-the-meter batteries. Last year, the CPUC ordered the state’s investor-owned utilities to allow battery-solar systems to interconnect under net metering without the expensive and time-consuming studies they had been subjecting those systems to.
But with solar-storage systems expected to become a far more significant part of the grid, SCE notes that “parameters are necessary to ensure that the exported kWh being compensated under the successor tariff program is being generated by the renewable DG system.”
What is the meaning behind that last line from SCE? Sounds like there is history there or a worry that energy would have been generated from an alternate source? Like what, a genset?
SCE’s proposal also asks the CPUC to consider ways to more accurately measure solar systems that are paired with behind-the-meter batteries. Last year, the CPUC ordered the state’s investor-owned utilities to allow battery-solar systems to interconnect under net metering without the expensive and time-consuming studies they had been subjecting those systems to.
But with solar-storage systems expected to become a far more significant part of the grid, SCE notes that “parameters are necessary to ensure that the exported kWh being compensated under the successor tariff program is being generated by the renewable DG system.”
What is the meaning behind that last line from SCE? Sounds like there is history there or a worry that energy would have been generated from an alternate source? Like what, a genset?