For somewhat space constrained 4-10kw residential rooftop arrays
with nonzero shading, my impression is that the sweet spot
as of January 2015 is roughly 270-280 watt 60-cell panels
with Enphase microinverters.
(More cells -> too high a voltage for enphase;
non-enphase -> too small a player;
non-microinverter -> poor shade performance;
less than 270 watts -> wasting roof space;
more than 280 watts -> price per watt crazy high)
Is that about right? What's your take on the market? Where
do you go for this kind of information?
with nonzero shading, my impression is that the sweet spot
as of January 2015 is roughly 270-280 watt 60-cell panels
with Enphase microinverters.
(More cells -> too high a voltage for enphase;
non-enphase -> too small a player;
non-microinverter -> poor shade performance;
less than 270 watts -> wasting roof space;
more than 280 watts -> price per watt crazy high)
Is that about right? What's your take on the market? Where
do you go for this kind of information?