I believe I do understand space constraints and solar panel limitations to some degree. Still learning however.
After reading all you have presented, it seems to me what you do not have is a good understanding of the ideas and concepts that I and others have been writing about in this thread (and others).
One such concept is the idea that it just may make more economic sense to put less expensive equipment in an available space and not offset the lower tier (less expensive) electricity than to spend more on Sunpower (or some other expensive equipment) to replace the cheapest electricity you buy. That is, some years down the road, you may be $$ ahead with a smaller (electrical) size system at a lower $$/Watt cost.
The future of electrical costs is never set and never predictable, so all sizing and economic analysis based on anticipated electric rates is, to the extent that the future is not very predictable, a guess. One of the other things posters discuss here, sometimes vigorously, is electrical rates and their future. That, IMO, seems to be another area where you could perhaps benefit from some additional background.
I sort of get the sense that you have convinced yourself of a course of action, came here looking for reinforcement and, having no small amount of your possible ignorance of the subject exposed, seem to be backing into justifications for that preordained decision.
For example, I think using Sunpower equipment is not cost effective for most applications, and I believe I can make a logical case for my opinion, based on sound engineering principles, experience and process economics. Those tools and others also allow me to estimate when and under what conditions and constraints a Sunpower system may make sense. Such information and knowledge is available and relatively easy to master. My point here is, I do not believe you have that knowledge, experience or expertize yet. I think you have your mind made up and don't want the be confused with concepts about which you may be ignorant.
I suspect most folks around here (at least me) have nothing to gain by sharing their opinions and experience. At times, we disagree a fair amount, but none of us is as smart as all of us.
If more people who are considering solar energy spent a few hrs. reading things on this forum, and also spent some time informing themselves about the subject, I'd bet they would have better systems, probably smaller, less expensive and better fit for purpose. You may be in that situation.
Just opinion. Take what you want/need of the above. Scrap the rest.
After reading all you have presented, it seems to me what you do not have is a good understanding of the ideas and concepts that I and others have been writing about in this thread (and others).
One such concept is the idea that it just may make more economic sense to put less expensive equipment in an available space and not offset the lower tier (less expensive) electricity than to spend more on Sunpower (or some other expensive equipment) to replace the cheapest electricity you buy. That is, some years down the road, you may be $$ ahead with a smaller (electrical) size system at a lower $$/Watt cost.
The future of electrical costs is never set and never predictable, so all sizing and economic analysis based on anticipated electric rates is, to the extent that the future is not very predictable, a guess. One of the other things posters discuss here, sometimes vigorously, is electrical rates and their future. That, IMO, seems to be another area where you could perhaps benefit from some additional background.
I sort of get the sense that you have convinced yourself of a course of action, came here looking for reinforcement and, having no small amount of your possible ignorance of the subject exposed, seem to be backing into justifications for that preordained decision.
For example, I think using Sunpower equipment is not cost effective for most applications, and I believe I can make a logical case for my opinion, based on sound engineering principles, experience and process economics. Those tools and others also allow me to estimate when and under what conditions and constraints a Sunpower system may make sense. Such information and knowledge is available and relatively easy to master. My point here is, I do not believe you have that knowledge, experience or expertize yet. I think you have your mind made up and don't want the be confused with concepts about which you may be ignorant.
I suspect most folks around here (at least me) have nothing to gain by sharing their opinions and experience. At times, we disagree a fair amount, but none of us is as smart as all of us.
If more people who are considering solar energy spent a few hrs. reading things on this forum, and also spent some time informing themselves about the subject, I'd bet they would have better systems, probably smaller, less expensive and better fit for purpose. You may be in that situation.
Just opinion. Take what you want/need of the above. Scrap the rest.