Mea culpa; it was not my intention to come off as parochial. It just seems to me that the same old strategies are being rehashed here. Call me a greenie if you want but I firmly believe that these same strategies are having a near-term caststrophic impact on our planet's climate. I also believe that PWR nukes are a waste of time, effort & money because they scare people to death. That won't ever change because they melt down with spectacular impact on a regular basis.
Please excuse those who are therefore trying to think outside the box to solve this. the explosion of grid tie PV and other RE generation sources and the impact it is having on the traditional power delivery model is what I believe to be an example of this effort in action. Thanks goes to Fukishima for driving most of it too. The next PWR meltdown event will further accelerate the effort. I firmly believe that this is also a fact.
Finally, Science Fiction has a reliable track record of becoming Science Fact in increasingly shorter timeframes. My hat is off to those who play an active role here and I hope to see them in action as Germany faces its power delivery dilemma. I myself will be working on a practical way to locally store the excess energy that my array produces during peak sunlight hours then meter it back during my home's high demand times when the array is not producing. Net metering policies are going to go away when our government swings back to the traditionalists you see.
Please excuse those who are therefore trying to think outside the box to solve this. the explosion of grid tie PV and other RE generation sources and the impact it is having on the traditional power delivery model is what I believe to be an example of this effort in action. Thanks goes to Fukishima for driving most of it too. The next PWR meltdown event will further accelerate the effort. I firmly believe that this is also a fact.
Finally, Science Fiction has a reliable track record of becoming Science Fact in increasingly shorter timeframes. My hat is off to those who play an active role here and I hope to see them in action as Germany faces its power delivery dilemma. I myself will be working on a practical way to locally store the excess energy that my array produces during peak sunlight hours then meter it back during my home's high demand times when the array is not producing. Net metering policies are going to go away when our government swings back to the traditionalists you see.