Obama Administration Takes Action on Climate Change--Big Time
Anyone care to guess what the largest producers of carbon dioxide are? Well here is the top 4
1. Volcano's 350 to 450 Giga Tons annually
2. Sea and Oceans. 260 Gt annually
3. Forrest fires. 240 GT annually
4. Decomposing animals and plant material. 220 GT annually.
Care to guess what man produces from burning fossil fuels. 30 to 40 GT annually.MSEE, PEComment
Not right
Anyone care to guess what the largest producers of carbon dioxide are? Well here is the top 4
1. Volcano's 350 to 450 Giga Tons annually
2. Sea and Oceans. 260 Gt annually
3. Forrest fires. 240 GT annually
4. Decomposing animals and plant material. 220 GT annually.
Care to guess what man produces from burning fossil fuels. 30 to 40 GT annually.Comment
You got your figures wrong. Go to the NASA website and it will tell you 97% of scientists think climate change is man made. If you don't know what you are talking about you should not speak like you know something. Volcanos are closer to 5% of co2 production. Just because you said it doesn't mean it is the truth......
Funny thing about numbers. They can be represented in a lot of ways to make something look good or look bad. It is just math and from what I have read, these "97% of scientists" are making claims from someone using faulty math.Comment
You got your figures wrong. Go to the NASA website and it will tell you 97% of scientists think climate change is man made. If you don't know what you are talking about you should not speak like you know something. Volcanos are closer to 5% of co2 production. Just because you said it doesn't mean it is the truth......
and here is the relevant piece of the article which shows your comment is full of shyte:
The people who firmly believe that man is the biggest culprit may not take it happily, but the biggest source of CO2 emissions is volcanic eruptions. There is a huge amount of carbon dioxide locked up in rocks. As the rocks melt, they give up the gas, and this is expelled during the eruption. Often, the larger the eruption, the more carbon dioxide is released along with other gases, such as hydrogen sulfide.
At any given time, according to agencies such as the USGS, there are about 13-17 volcanoes erupting somewhere on Earth. This means that yearly, volcanoes spew out hundreds or even thousands of times more carbon dioxide than man is capable of producing, even if he tried. Man is actually an insignificant producer of CO2, though he is prideful enough to think he is a major player.Comment
Just an example of how far out in left field these "greenies" are, how about the proposal to tax meat to reduce cow fart emissions?
By Kristina Chew You’ve probably heard that methane from cows, sheep, goats and buffalo (that is, ruminant farts) has been linked to global warming. There are 50 percent more cows and similar animals today than half a century ago (3.6 billion) and methane released from their digestive systems is the biggest human-related source of this greenhouse gas. […]
This should provide even the most dedicated ALGOR followers with a hint that the things they come up with are are total BS (pardon the pun).Comment
off-grid in Northern Wisconsin for 14 yearsComment
really? he has his figures wrong? and all you can do is say that and you expect us to believe you over him? to point out that somones figures are wrong, without offering some kind of documentation is just stupid. took me about 2 minutes to prove you wrong and here is a link: http://www.sciences360.com/index.php...missions-9176/ I would suggest that you should take your own damn advice which I have highlighted above.
and here is the relevant piece of the article which shows your comment is full of shyte:
The people who firmly believe that man is the biggest culprit may not take it happily, but the biggest source of CO2 emissions is volcanic eruptions. There is a huge amount of carbon dioxide locked up in rocks. As the rocks melt, they give up the gas, and this is expelled during the eruption. Often, the larger the eruption, the more carbon dioxide is released along with other gases, such as hydrogen sulfide.
At any given time, according to agencies such as the USGS, there are about 13-17 volcanoes erupting somewhere on Earth. This means that yearly, volcanoes spew out hundreds or even thousands of times more carbon dioxide than man is capable of producing, even if he tried. Man is actually an insignificant producer of CO2, though he is prideful enough to think he is a major player.Comment
That article is pure crap. First clue is that there is not even one specific reference to the literature. Not one. Even high school students are expected to use citations when they produce papers. Real estimates are that human sources of CO2 are about 100x the CO2 produced by volcanosComment
at least he provided a link that showed what I posted was wrong, as opposed to the other clown that post NOTHING to back up his statement that what was posted was wrong.Comment
The climate change people invent numbers out of thin air to push their point. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines COOLED the earth for three years, by as much as 1.6 degrees at the height of its effect, according to USGS. You can look it up. Humans could not do that, or have such an effect on the temperature of the planet on that large of a scale in that short of a time, if they freaking tried. And that was just ONE volcano.
The truth is that these people do not have emissions measuring equipment on volcanoes so they invent numbers to push their point. Volcanoes emit CO2 whether they are active or not, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They chose to ignore that and only publish "estimated" CO2 values for volcanoes that erupt. They are not measured.
Even the USGS admits this:
Gases released by most volcanoes are difficult to sample and measure on a regular basis, especially when a volcano becomes restless. Direct sampling of gas requires that scientists visit a hot fumarole or an active vent, usually high on a volcano's flank or within its summit crater. At some volcanoes, gases discharge directly into crater lakes. The remote location of these sampling sites, intense and often hazardous fumes, frequent bad weather, and the potential for sudden eruptions can make regular gas sampling sometimes impossible and dangerous.
Volcanoes emit so much CO2 that it settles in low areas around active vents and accumulates at such high rate (40-50% of the air) that it will instantly kill any air-breathing life there.
So claiming volcanoes emit less tons of plant food than human activity does is pretty ludicrous when you look at the power of a single eruption, and the fact that it cannot even be measured.off-grid in Northern Wisconsin for 14 yearsComment
Science Can Tell
The climate change people invent numbers out of thin air to push their point. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines COOLED the earth for three years, by as much as 1.6 degrees at the height of its effect, according to USGS. You can look it up. Humans could not do that, or have such an effect on the temperature of the planet on that large of a scale in that short of a time, if they freaking tried. And that was just ONE volcano.
The truth is that these people do not have emissions measuring equipment on volcanoes so they invent numbers to push their point. Volcanoes emit CO2 whether they are active or not, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They chose to ignore that and only publish "estimated" CO2 values for volcanoes that erupt. They are not measured.
Even the USGS admits this:
Gases released by most volcanoes are difficult to sample and measure on a regular basis, especially when a volcano becomes restless. Direct sampling of gas requires that scientists visit a hot fumarole or an active vent, usually high on a volcano's flank or within its summit crater. At some volcanoes, gases discharge directly into crater lakes. The remote location of these sampling sites, intense and often hazardous fumes, frequent bad weather, and the potential for sudden eruptions can make regular gas sampling sometimes impossible and dangerous.
Volcanoes emit so much CO2 that it settles in low areas around active vents and accumulates at such high rate (40-50% of the air) that it will instantly kill any air-breathing life there.
So claiming volcanoes emit less tons of plant food than human activity does is pretty ludicrous when you look at the power of a single eruption, and the fact that it cannot even be measured.Comment
Moon Shot is Fake Too?
really? he has his figures wrong? and all you can do is say that and you expect us to believe you over him? to point out that somones figures are wrong, without offering some kind of documentation is just stupid. took me about 2 minutes to prove you wrong and here is a link: http://www.sciences360.com/index.php...missions-9176/ I would suggest that you should take your own damn advice which I have highlighted above.
and here is the relevant piece of the article which shows your comment is full of shyte:
The people who firmly believe that man is the biggest culprit may not take it happily, but the biggest source of CO2 emissions is volcanic eruptions. There is a huge amount of carbon dioxide locked up in rocks. As the rocks melt, they give up the gas, and this is expelled during the eruption. Often, the larger the eruption, the more carbon dioxide is released along with other gases, such as hydrogen sulfide.
At any given time, according to agencies such as the USGS, there are about 13-17 volcanoes erupting somewhere on Earth. This means that yearly, volcanoes spew out hundreds or even thousands of times more carbon dioxide than man is capable of producing, even if he tried. Man is actually an insignificant producer of CO2, though he is prideful enough to think he is a major player.Comment
Cosmos TV. That's a good source for information.
The fact is, when man first appeared on the planet the concentration of CO2 in the air was about 20x greater than it is today. This has been determined by ice core samples that trapped air samples from back then. So where did all that CO2 come from? Volcanoes. The earth was more volcanically active back then. Where did it all go? It didn't fall apart or dissipate. It was absorbed by the earth.
This period of high CO2 was GOOD for life on the planet, not bad.
Why do all these scientists that consider themselves "climate experts" IGNORE the fact that every time a big volcano blows up in the last 150 years we see a temporary drop in global temp, then a steady rise? And this drop is caused by just ONE volcano putting particulates and sulfur-dioxide in the air, and massive tons of CO2 and water vapor in one blast that exceeds anything the human race can match.
Once you get all the bullsh!t out of the way and just look at facts you don't even have be a climate scientist to see what's going on, for pete's sake. This is right from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History on volcanic activity and earthquakes on this planet since 1790:
I dunno what to tell you except you are being lied to. Humans have very little to do with any of this if you use even one shred of common sense and look further into the past than the "industrial age".off-grid in Northern Wisconsin for 14 yearsComment