The issue is BASE LOAD and solar contributes nothing to Base Load. On average around the country Base Load is at low 90% of capacity. In many states like California cannot even meet Base Loads and have to import 30% of their electricity from neighboring states. Twenty years ago when CA dicided to go green they only imported 10% of their energy. Today just over 30%. Solar has done nothing except raise CA energy prices and cut capacity. They are going backwards.
March 2015 DOE raised Red Flags with Congress and POTUS Obama stating Electric Energy needs is at a crisis point in desire need of conventional power plant construction. They stated RE i snot working plain and Simple. US has roughly 50 years of proven reserves of cheap natural gas,, 250 years of coal. and 10 million years of dirt cheap nuclear energy. There is only one good answer. In the short term build out NG/Coal plants, and long term nuclear.
If you have ever heard of the Smart Grid you might like to know what it is and means. It works a bit like cellular telephone by putting small passive nuclear plants in a grid like fashion in a city or region that can fit in a typical house basement. If one plant has to shut down for maintenance of low demand, the surrounding plants pick up the slack. It also entails looking right into your home energy uses to allow big brother to turn on/off high wattage devices like you air conditioning. If you have a new Smart Meter at your home now, that capability is already there. Smart Meters eliminate a lot of things like Meter Readers or calling to report power outages and/or problems. My home in TX before I left had a Smart Meter and I got an email every day on usage and patterns.
That is what is coming. That is what every utility, engineer, technician and politician knows. All you have now is just politics kicking the can down the road and no politician willing to tell the truth in fear of loosing a election. Politicians would rather see Black Outs and sky high rates before telling the truth risking loosing office. Remember Obama pledged in his 2008 campaign to punish Americans with sky rocketing electric energy bills. He kept his promise.
March 2015 DOE raised Red Flags with Congress and POTUS Obama stating Electric Energy needs is at a crisis point in desire need of conventional power plant construction. They stated RE i snot working plain and Simple. US has roughly 50 years of proven reserves of cheap natural gas,, 250 years of coal. and 10 million years of dirt cheap nuclear energy. There is only one good answer. In the short term build out NG/Coal plants, and long term nuclear.
If you have ever heard of the Smart Grid you might like to know what it is and means. It works a bit like cellular telephone by putting small passive nuclear plants in a grid like fashion in a city or region that can fit in a typical house basement. If one plant has to shut down for maintenance of low demand, the surrounding plants pick up the slack. It also entails looking right into your home energy uses to allow big brother to turn on/off high wattage devices like you air conditioning. If you have a new Smart Meter at your home now, that capability is already there. Smart Meters eliminate a lot of things like Meter Readers or calling to report power outages and/or problems. My home in TX before I left had a Smart Meter and I got an email every day on usage and patterns.
That is what is coming. That is what every utility, engineer, technician and politician knows. All you have now is just politics kicking the can down the road and no politician willing to tell the truth in fear of loosing a election. Politicians would rather see Black Outs and sky high rates before telling the truth risking loosing office. Remember Obama pledged in his 2008 campaign to punish Americans with sky rocketing electric energy bills. He kept his promise.