You have a roof with an unhindered southern exposure. You know what to do to take advantage of the power of the sun. You will call a local solar contractor to install home solar panels. Alternatively, if you don't want to make the substantial upfront investment, you can sign up for one of the third party deals available and you can enter into a long-term lease for the panels on your roof. And now there is another alternative in some venues across the country. Welcome community solar to the mix of possible ways to go solar. Under new local legislation in Washington, D.C., you can buy solar without having solar panels on your roof. In Colorado, private households, businesses, governments and nonprofits are purchasing solar panels. The utility will post a credit on monthly bills to its members who own one or more panels. So if you are looking to go solar, there are more ways to skin a cat than simply installing solar panels on your roof. Look for these and other programs in your area for how to go solar.