We are not suggesting that you get up and change the direction of the panels on your roof. A new study by the Pecan Street Research Institute does make you think about the conventional wisdom that home solar panels should be placed on the southern facing roof to be most efficient. You may not have heard of Pecan Street before, but their study certainly had a way of garnering the headlines with experts coming down on both sides of the argument-and this from a study of just 50 homes. Some may discount the study because the sample was small and because the output over the course of the year is only a couple of percentage points different, but the major issue is in peak load from 3pm to 7pm west-facing solar panel arrays produced 49 percent more electricity during this peak demand time. Now what all of the commentators are missing of course is that most homeowners are not going to be redirecting their houses to the south or west just to capture a few more rays.