DIY project finished ♥️
Link leads to main documents post and detailed information page 22 of another forum, this forum initially I had issues uploading photos.
Have had big success in primary cooling and heating of the home 18-12 VDC solar panels and about one half amp of grid powered backup that could be sourced in
another way if necessary.
This is a no battery no maintenance design power board system that comes in at $3000 to $4000 DIY.
Just received my lowest electric utility bill ever $61.40 aiming for $40 neighbors typically get 200-$300 bills.
Carefully reading the last 6 or seven pages of the forum has the details you want.
This project system if built to high standards pushes motors,heaters and other electronics like nothing I have ever seen before in full sun, directly driven PV with seamless secondary power support.
Take a look again.
Link leads to main documents post and detailed information page 22 of another forum, this forum initially I had issues uploading photos.
Have had big success in primary cooling and heating of the home 18-12 VDC solar panels and about one half amp of grid powered backup that could be sourced in
another way if necessary.
This is a no battery no maintenance design power board system that comes in at $3000 to $4000 DIY.
Just received my lowest electric utility bill ever $61.40 aiming for $40 neighbors typically get 200-$300 bills.
Carefully reading the last 6 or seven pages of the forum has the details you want.
This project system if built to high standards pushes motors,heaters and other electronics like nothing I have ever seen before in full sun, directly driven PV with seamless secondary power support.
Take a look again.