When we had our 56 Solar Panels with 2 inverters installed last month the installers also gave us a Sense Monitor as a "free gift" Our system went live just last February 20, 2023 along with the monitoring system. My monitor was fine up until last Wednesday and it has been offline since. My husband and I did the troubleshooting sequence in the guidebook over and over again trying to figure out the problem. It is still offline. I decided it was time to get some help from the installers, but the installing company has been giving me the run around. They keep saying the solar panels are working fine, and yes they are, but the Sense Monitor is a great tool and I would really like to get it working but I know I need help and don't know where to turn. Any ideas, and if you use Sense Monitoring how do you like it and have you had any problems with it?
Sense Solar Monitors
I use to have a Sense monitor and got help from Sense via their support page. If I remember correctly they were able to poll the Sense through the cloud. If they can't see it, there may be an issue with the Wifi connection. As with anything electric I always try a reboot. To do that you would just need to turn off the breakers wired to the Sense, wait a minute and turn them back on. Presumably the installers labeled those breakers. If not labeled, tell them no labels is a code violation and they should fix that.9 kW solar, 42kWh LFP storage. EV owner since 2012 -
Thank you Ampster. That is what the Sense guide book said to do and we did do it but still had problems. I believe you are right in that we are not connected to the internet. I'm so retarded when it comes to all things electronic and my husband flares up if something doesn't work the first time. Right now I'm trying to redo the process slowly one step at a time. I'm up to where the Sense is connected to our internet and I'm trying to bring up the Sense Monitor. The monitor is not showing any numbers yet but it is not showing me the picture of the Sense being offline. I have my fingers crossed. My husband is taking a nap and I would love it if I could show him I fixed while he was asleep.Comment
My problem with Sense is not the internet connection after all. I was on the phone with AT&T (my internet provider) yesterday and the signal is OK and the Sense monitor is connected. I can do an Internet connection test using Sense and I'm within range of what Sense needs to function. However Sense is still not functioning. I don't get any numbers on the Sense screens. If this rings a bell, like maybe you heard of this problem before please let me know. I'm going try to see if I can get a real live person at Sense to help me, odds are I will not be able to, but I don't have much else to do today anyway.Comment
Maybe Sense can tell you if the data is reaching the cloud.9 kW solar, 42kWh LFP storage. EV owner since 2012Comment
This morning my Sense system started working again. I have no idea why. Other than running several system tests on the monitor and internet connection we did nothing to change anything. At least not knowingly. I'm happy it's working, but if it was off for 4 days with no reason we can find, then it's bound to do it again. I sure hope not.Comment
No it did not. Those days are a blank on the monitor, however it did keep the data from before the offline time.Comment
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