Is it a crazy idea to think of running Air conditioner (AC) on solar panels and inverter without batteries?
Let's say a 1.5hp AC unit, which equals 1.1kW.
If one throws 6x 300W panels at it, at 80% efficiency, that would produce 1.44kW
Voltage sag from cloud cover...
A DC-to-DC converter may help keep the solar panel voltage constant through out the day.
This one promises: 1,800W 40A, 10V-60V input to 12V-90V output
A 2kW Inverter
The big question is the AC's start up power.
For that, I was thinking to get a super capacitor.
Would something like this serve?
So the no-battery setup would look like this
Solar panels --> Dc-to-DC converter --> Inverter + Super capacitor --> Air conditioner
The initial cost would be high of course. But it should last long enough, without one paying any electricity charges.
Also, the setup can also serve to run other high power tools around, one at a time.
Let's say a 1.5hp AC unit, which equals 1.1kW.
If one throws 6x 300W panels at it, at 80% efficiency, that would produce 1.44kW
Voltage sag from cloud cover...
A DC-to-DC converter may help keep the solar panel voltage constant through out the day.
This one promises: 1,800W 40A, 10V-60V input to 12V-90V output
A 2kW Inverter
The big question is the AC's start up power.
For that, I was thinking to get a super capacitor.
Would something like this serve?
So the no-battery setup would look like this
Solar panels --> Dc-to-DC converter --> Inverter + Super capacitor --> Air conditioner
The initial cost would be high of course. But it should last long enough, without one paying any electricity charges.
Also, the setup can also serve to run other high power tools around, one at a time.