How can I use eletricity generated during light hours, when nobody is at home. i am building my own panels, so can not use energy for my actual home I guess, as pointed out by SunKing. My panels are not UL listed, and not connected to the grid.
I could buy a small battery set-up, but the cost of that and additional required components makes this a no win situation.
How else can i store potential energy?? A small turbine was mentioned. How does that work??
What if I have an electric circuit in my house that is not tied to the grid?? A separate circuit. Is this allowed?? Can i run a fan in my attic to reduce heat?? Lanscape lighting, but how do I store the energy for dark hours?? A wind turbine works after dark, when i am actually at home, needing lighting outside and in. That is probably a bad thing to mention on this forum, but I will consider any practical energy sources that have a REAL use for me.
I could buy a small battery set-up, but the cost of that and additional required components makes this a no win situation.
How else can i store potential energy?? A small turbine was mentioned. How does that work??
What if I have an electric circuit in my house that is not tied to the grid?? A separate circuit. Is this allowed?? Can i run a fan in my attic to reduce heat?? Lanscape lighting, but how do I store the energy for dark hours?? A wind turbine works after dark, when i am actually at home, needing lighting outside and in. That is probably a bad thing to mention on this forum, but I will consider any practical energy sources that have a REAL use for me.