@Miket - I expect that many station owners would like to switch away from BP but contracts would not allow them to do so.
@BuzzBuds - More comes out all the time about how BP screwed up on the well. Their managers turned down the recommendations from their own people and others such as Haliburton when it came to saving a few million here and there. Their management definitely did many things that led to the whole mess.
@crxvfr - People are generally allowed I believe - very likely there are certain areas cordoned off - some news fools will try to make an issue for sure. The solutions from Joe Blow off the street - I have read many on different engineers forums as well as from the public - most have been impractical - very many silly - no small number have even been more dangerous.
The prez 'gonna kick some ass' was at his juvenile best with that and many of his other statements. I read them as I generally refuse to listen to heads of state chatter as the talk is almost always 99% political.
The work they are doing is not something anyone else can take over. No other oil company has any desire as it is a quagmire and no government agency has the equipment or expertise.
The only thing BP has done worse at than safety which led to the mess is PR management. That they have botched up worse than anyone could imagine! FUBAR many times over- an old 'military' expression covers it too well.
@BuzzBuds - More comes out all the time about how BP screwed up on the well. Their managers turned down the recommendations from their own people and others such as Haliburton when it came to saving a few million here and there. Their management definitely did many things that led to the whole mess.
@crxvfr - People are generally allowed I believe - very likely there are certain areas cordoned off - some news fools will try to make an issue for sure. The solutions from Joe Blow off the street - I have read many on different engineers forums as well as from the public - most have been impractical - very many silly - no small number have even been more dangerous.
The prez 'gonna kick some ass' was at his juvenile best with that and many of his other statements. I read them as I generally refuse to listen to heads of state chatter as the talk is almost always 99% political.
The work they are doing is not something anyone else can take over. No other oil company has any desire as it is a quagmire and no government agency has the equipment or expertise.
The only thing BP has done worse at than safety which led to the mess is PR management. That they have botched up worse than anyone could imagine! FUBAR many times over- an old 'military' expression covers it too well.