So, I went up there and took a look this morning. The panel that has the Rain-X on looks noticeably cleaner than the other panels. However, I came to the conclusion that it's probably because I cleaned that panel before I put the Rain-X on and I didn't clean the other panels. So I've just re-set the whole experiment again and washed ALL panels clean this time. I'll go back up there in a month and see if I can see a difference.
Does anyone use anything like Rain-X on their panels?
So, I went up there and took a look this morning. The panel that has the Rain-X on looks noticeably cleaner than the other panels. However, I came to the conclusion that it's probably because I cleaned that panel before I put the Rain-X on and I didn't clean the other panels. So I've just re-set the whole experiment again and washed ALL panels clean this time. I'll go back up there in a month and see if I can see a difference.Comment
Yesterday I ventured back up to take a look. It's been at least a month since I cleaned all panels and re-applied the Rain-X to just one of them. What I could see if that there is a marginal difference. The Rain-X panel seemed to have a little less rain residue/dust/dirt on it. It's a small but noticeable difference which I think would get bigger with time. How much difference it would make to the efficiency of the panels I have no idea. But as I can't see any immediate downside I took the opportunity to put Rain-X on all the panels. I'll let you know if I experience anything negative. But so far my conclusion is that the Rain-X probably helps, but in a very small way.Comment
I tried Rain-X a few years ago just like you. Had some left over from a previous life so always being curious.....
My conclusion (without any objective tests) was that it was detrimental if anything. Actually seemed to make the glass a little sticky so stayed dustier. The difference with PV panels is you don't have a wiper to do the cleaning. Also suppose the Rain-X might interfere with the anit-reflective coating on the glass.BSEE, R11, NABCEP, Chevy BoltEV, >3000kW installedComment
You can get a cheap ($200-ish) thermal camera attachment for a smartphone. Not as accurate or fancy as a dedicated unit, but good enough to find hot spots on your panel. Plus way fun to play with. The model I bought is called Seek Thermal, and is readily available on Amazon.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Comment
Yesterday I ventured back up to take a look. It's been at least a month since I cleaned all panels and re-applied the Rain-X to just one of them. What I could see if that there is a marginal difference. The Rain-X panel seemed to have a little less rain residue/dust/dirt on it. It's a small but noticeable difference which I think would get bigger with time. How much difference it would make to the efficiency of the panels I have no idea. But as I can't see any immediate downside I took the opportunity to put Rain-X on all the panels. I'll let you know if I experience anything negative. But so far my conclusion is that the Rain-X probably helps, but in a very small way.
Just keep an eye on any gasketing or sealant around the panel frame to see if there is any breakdown and water intrusion due to a chemical reaction.Comment
I suppose a hypothesis has to start with a single test case before a larger scale and more scientific experiment can be performed. Keep us updated with your experience.Comment
While results may be of general interest they are pretty much meaningless.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Comment