I've been looking around a lot lately, at alternative power sources. Ever since I joined this forum. I've even looked at the fringe elements, many of which seem to hold promise. If only someone would develop them. One of them is the thorium reactor. Much like the plutonium reactors that we're used to, only liquid salt instead of plutonium. As you might imagine, its far safer than plutonium. Even when the worst comes to worst, the Thorium reactor doesn't damage the environment nearly as badly as the plutonium based reactors do. You'd never have heard of Chernobyl if it were a thorium reactor gone bad. Also, thorium is practically everywhere, where as uranium is quite rare.
So have any of you ever heard of this? I find it odd that its so much better, yet so little used. In that, its not freakin' used at all.
So have any of you ever heard of this? I find it odd that its so much better, yet so little used. In that, its not freakin' used at all.