Now that scientists can look at events the happen on a femtosecond time scale, they will be able to fully understand how plants convert sunlight into energy. Will this improve our solar energy technology?
Are plants more efficient at converting sunlight into energy then solar panels?
Last I read plants were not at all efficient in relation to area - forget "femtosecond"[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] -
Solar panels loose their efficency if they are over exposed to sun (over heated), using underwater solar panels can really solve this problem.Comment
I get over 3kw from the ferns in the backyard. The problem is that the solder-tabs keep breaking.Comment
Plants are less efficient at capturing the energy in sunlight than solar cells mostly because they have too much evolutionary baggage. Plants have to power a living thing, whereas solar cells only have to send electricity down a wire. This is a big difference because if photosynthesis makes a mistake, it makes toxic byproducts that kill the organism. Photosynthesis has to be conservative to avoid killing the organisms it powers.Perhaps when you have established yourself as a useful contributing member a link in your signature will be allowedComment