As part of the planning for my approx. 4.5 kW system, I am having difficulty using the best surface due to roof obstructions and the apparent required setback from the bottom edge of the roof, in the San Diego area. Any thoughts on the setback issue and is it worth the effort to ask for an exception? Do any others have an install that is closer to the bottom edge of the roof?
Setbacks from roof edge
There is no bottom edge setback that I'm aware of, just sides and ridge. My panels are mounted less than 1 ft from the bottom edge, as you can sort of see in the attached picture. No special review was required.
P1050879.jpgCS6P-260P/SE3000 - -
I also do not think there is a fire code restriction on bottom edge setback. Top and sides, but not bottom. There are other code restrictions with respect to distance from plumbing vents (6" I believe). Those vents can be moved, but depending on how the vents are moved, may present some difficulties if future work on/under the array is required. I'd suggest plan/think ahead. As in" what can go wrong ?".Comment