A Grid Assisted Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) that can use the power from a wall socket as it's alternative power supply.
A Solar system that can provide power to run a device, but automatically switch between using power from a wall socket. This is for when the Solar power is insufficient and could be a cheaper option than spending about $5,000 to install a Grid-Tied system.
There are systems called Plug and Play solar panels, but these sound too risky. I don't want to fry a worker in case the power goes out. Instead, I want to try making a Grid-Assisted system that would automatically switch between Solar and Grid.
I think I have an idea on how it could work:
A Solar panel is connected to a Charge Controller (Solar Controller), which supplies the correct amount of current to a Battery.
An Inverter also connects to the battery and uses its current to produce AC (The higher Voltages and Amps required) for the device. When the battery is fully charged, it can be used as part of a circuit. Because any excess energy will be passed through to another 'Load'.
The charging source needs to provide a Voltage that's greater than the batteries, so the current can effectively flow through it. If the Solar panel doesn't produce enough power, then we'll need a way for the circuit to automatically switch over to the Mains (The Grid) and back again. If the battery drops below 50% of its total charge, it'll become damaged.
To counter this, perhaps the Solar energy could be passed through an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), which may be able to detect whether the battery has 51% of its charge left. At this point, it'll provide an alternative power source, being the wall socket (The Grid).
For the UPS to switch back into using Solar power, it'll need to also detect when the battery has regained a specific amount of its charge (98% for example). This amount would be a balance between how many times it needs to recharge and the loss of efficiency this causes.
A UPS provides emergency power to a load when the first input power source fails. The goal here is to make the battery into the primary source of power and use the Wall Socket as the alternative.
This only works if the cost is less than what it would be if you were to install a Grid Tied system to your Fusebox. In Australia, this would be about $5,000. A typical UPS includes an Inverter, Battery and Charger Controller. However, there are UPS's that use external Batteries. http://www.powerstream.com/inFAQ.htm
When the battery is supplies the electricity, the UPS will need to convert that current into AC with a correct amount of Amps. To do this, the UPS will need a Transformer (I think). http://wikitravel.org/en/Electrical_systems
What would I need for such a system?
I've heard that an AC Transfer Switch can switch between the Inverter and Grid.
Examples of such a system:
1. http://josh.com/Solar/
2. http://www.mro-tek.com/energy_products/charger1.html
3. http://www.jaycar.com.au/products_up..._Flier_JAU.pdf
4. http://avi-products.com/AviSolarInverters.aspx
Forum threads that talk about this topic:
1. http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1736320
2. http://www.solarpaneltalk.com/showth...d-installation
Website pages I've come across:
1. http://www.wholesalesolar.com/grid-assist.html
2. http://www.solargreen.net.au/blog/gr...ed-electricity
3. http://www.renewablesinternational.n...150/452/72715/
4. http://fylz.com/grid-assisted-electricity
5. MPPT vs PWM: http://enerdrive.com.au/mppt-vs-pwm-solar-controllers/
6. What is a Charge Controller?: http://www.blueskyenergyinc.com/revi...rge_controller
7. AC to DC calculator: http://www.batterystuff.com/kb/tools...-inverter.html
8. About Batteries: http://www.mkbattery.com/content_con...-reference-faq
A Solar system that can provide power to run a device, but automatically switch between using power from a wall socket. This is for when the Solar power is insufficient and could be a cheaper option than spending about $5,000 to install a Grid-Tied system.
There are systems called Plug and Play solar panels, but these sound too risky. I don't want to fry a worker in case the power goes out. Instead, I want to try making a Grid-Assisted system that would automatically switch between Solar and Grid.
I think I have an idea on how it could work:
A Solar panel is connected to a Charge Controller (Solar Controller), which supplies the correct amount of current to a Battery.
An Inverter also connects to the battery and uses its current to produce AC (The higher Voltages and Amps required) for the device. When the battery is fully charged, it can be used as part of a circuit. Because any excess energy will be passed through to another 'Load'.
The charging source needs to provide a Voltage that's greater than the batteries, so the current can effectively flow through it. If the Solar panel doesn't produce enough power, then we'll need a way for the circuit to automatically switch over to the Mains (The Grid) and back again. If the battery drops below 50% of its total charge, it'll become damaged.
To counter this, perhaps the Solar energy could be passed through an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), which may be able to detect whether the battery has 51% of its charge left. At this point, it'll provide an alternative power source, being the wall socket (The Grid).
For the UPS to switch back into using Solar power, it'll need to also detect when the battery has regained a specific amount of its charge (98% for example). This amount would be a balance between how many times it needs to recharge and the loss of efficiency this causes.
A UPS provides emergency power to a load when the first input power source fails. The goal here is to make the battery into the primary source of power and use the Wall Socket as the alternative.
This only works if the cost is less than what it would be if you were to install a Grid Tied system to your Fusebox. In Australia, this would be about $5,000. A typical UPS includes an Inverter, Battery and Charger Controller. However, there are UPS's that use external Batteries. http://www.powerstream.com/inFAQ.htm
When the battery is supplies the electricity, the UPS will need to convert that current into AC with a correct amount of Amps. To do this, the UPS will need a Transformer (I think). http://wikitravel.org/en/Electrical_systems
What would I need for such a system?
I've heard that an AC Transfer Switch can switch between the Inverter and Grid.
Examples of such a system:
1. http://josh.com/Solar/
2. http://www.mro-tek.com/energy_products/charger1.html
3. http://www.jaycar.com.au/products_up..._Flier_JAU.pdf
4. http://avi-products.com/AviSolarInverters.aspx
Forum threads that talk about this topic:
1. http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1736320
2. http://www.solarpaneltalk.com/showth...d-installation
Website pages I've come across:
1. http://www.wholesalesolar.com/grid-assist.html
2. http://www.solargreen.net.au/blog/gr...ed-electricity
3. http://www.renewablesinternational.n...150/452/72715/
4. http://fylz.com/grid-assisted-electricity
5. MPPT vs PWM: http://enerdrive.com.au/mppt-vs-pwm-solar-controllers/
6. What is a Charge Controller?: http://www.blueskyenergyinc.com/revi...rge_controller
7. AC to DC calculator: http://www.batterystuff.com/kb/tools...-inverter.html
8. About Batteries: http://www.mkbattery.com/content_con...-reference-faq