That seems to be standard pricing for 72-cell panels in that tier. Note that 72-cell panels are larger than the usual 60-cell panels used for residential installs, and are generally used for commercial systems rather than roof mounted residential. While the panel has a STC rating of 310W, this is due to the extra number of cells, not due to higher efficiency values.
That seems to be standard pricing for 72-cell panels in that tier.
Maybe I'm just not looking at the right vendors.
But that looks slightly better than standard pricing.
I see $.45/W or $.50/W.
These panels are at $.40/W - which is better than I see.
As for the OP - they aren't "extremely inexpensive" - it looks like they're about the right price - maybe 5-15% cheaper than other vendors I looked at.
As Kendalf pointed out, these are 72 cell - so they're at the bottom end of efficiency. They're going to be much cheaper than a 310W 60 cell panel if that's what you're comparing them to.
Whoops, I thought I saw $245 per panel. As this panel seems to be discontinued in a lot of other online vendors, I'd be wary of second-hand stock at this price.
Ah, thanks for the info, I am new to this solar thingy. The $145 price-tag just seemed so cheap, so far most (all) 300+ watt panel I have found were way over $200. I must need some remedial googling class. -Bill
I used to own a distribution for solar equipment and I can tell you that when its too good to be true you need to walk away. Many people sell online discontinued modules or B grade models. When purchasing solar equipment it's best to do it from a company you know.
as for this module I won't be surprised if they spot bought them at a great price and just got stuck with the inventory it happends a lot.
Dont get excited that it's over 300 watts this is not a great panel, not only that its 72 cell it's also Poly .
Yep. I think I am lucky to see 230 watts out of mine so far. I bought a bunch of these for $130/ea, delivered. I have yet to properly mount them. I have them just laying in the yard testing them for now. They don't seem to put out a lot of amperage. So Sunris seems to be dead on the money. I won't know until I get the proper cabling and a junction box, lightning arrester and all the proper stuff. I'm doing this stuff step by step. Now I have to save up $600 for a large Go Power inverter. I had no idea this stuff was so expensive. I'm definitely not going to get any return on investment for any of this. It will be just good to have for emergencies when the power goes out for extended periods of time.
These Trina panels have been working pretty good for the past year. The only killer is the ground mount hardware. That costs more than double what I paid for each panel. Renogy quoted me $290 per ground mount. I don't want to put these on my roof.