Such is the province of comparison of alternatives, time value of money number crunching and life cycle costing analysis. Every situation is different. As a SWAG only, if, after getting a good handle on how much electricity you use, how you pay for it and how you guess those two things will change in the future, if you can get your initial investment after tax credit back in about 5 years or less, it's probably pretty much of a go. On the other hand if it's in the 10 yr. range, maybe not or if you are pessimistic about rate increases, or you've got plans that entail energy use increases, those things may alter your numbers and thus the decisions. $1700/yr. or something like very approx. 7,000 +/- kWh/yr. isn't much of a bill. You are to be commended for such low use. Make sure on the EV and don't use that as a justification to talk yourself into an emotionally driven decision. As in " I want solar, so I'll use an EV to bump the usage, make the electrical demand higher and thus lower the payback time." Just sayin'.
SunPower vs SolarWorld/others, price and quality?
Huevosman, I got $3.6/w for Sunpower 320E, 20 panels, with SolarEdge for $23000, $16100 after incentive. It seems yours is expensive $7/wComment
Hi Ktran1, I'm in SF bay area and getting quotes in $3.4-3.5 per W range for a 4kW system with Solar World 280 / LG Neon2 300 panels. Wondering if I should get a Sunpower quote since the quote you have seems attractive. Could you share the installer name please? (mod ok with sharing installer name if you link via
Hi Ktran, thank you. Sunworks seems Referral would be great, not sure how it works here. I will drop an email to your user name (yahoo).Comment