Advice on Quote

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  • a700ksa
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2015
    • 1


    Advice on Quote

    Hi there. I got this quote in vendors from installation in Orange County and would like your advice on if the pricing looks reasonable.

    $3.70/KW before credit fr a 5.13 KW system (8158 KW/yr production)
    - 18x SolarWolrd 285 W Mono modules - 25 year production guaranty.
    - 18x Enphase Energy M250 micro-inverters, 25-year warranty.
    - Lifetime online monitoring system.
    - And, balance of system.

    $3.44/KW before credit for a 5.0 KW system (7636 KW/yr production)
    -Trina Solar 250 Watt Panels
    -SolarEdge Power Optimizers


  • solar pete
    • May 2014
    • 1821

    Hi a700ksa, and welcome to Solar Panel Talk. Seems the prices are a bit high maybe, the second one seems more reasonable. You need to bear in mind though that some of the more reputable installers are booked out until next Feb/March, so the game might be changing somewhat, but if the 30% FTC hangs around for a few more years I would think the rush so to speak will be over and a more normal atmosphere may emerge.


    • CoyoteVB
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2015
      • 14

      I hope the solar company rates drop. The big companies are taking advantage of all the rules. I went with the DYI approach after realizing that the install would take 3 installers 2-3 days to complete ( 8 hours a day x 3 is 24 hours. 3 days x 24 hour is 72 hours) My material costs were about $23,000. The estimates were $58k to 45k for the project. So, I was looking at $ 22k to $35k for installation. $22,000/75 hours is $293 an hour! Now let's look at where the labor costs are. The bulk of the work is installing the flashings and rails. This is basic labor. The solar companies are paying $15 -$20 an hour to the installers. It is all about supply and demand. Why would a solar company negociate when they have a tremendous backlog and people are paying $300 to $400 an hour in installation costs.

