I am working on hdf files related to solar radiation and there are lot of parameters in that. Some are related to solar panels and some are not. I just want to know if i have selected the right parameters. Following are the parameters:
EMIS = Surface emissivity
TS = Surface temperature, ALBEDO = Surface albedo, ALBNIRDF = Diffuse beam NIR surface albedo
ALBNIRDR = Direct beam NIR surface albedo, ALBVISDF = Diffuse beam VIS-UV surface albedo, ALBVISDR = Direct beam VIS-UV surface albedo
LWGEM = Emitted longwave at the surface, LWGAB = Absorbed longwave at the surface, LWGABCLR = Absorbed longwave at the surface with no clouds
LWGABCLRCLN = Absorbed longwave at the surface with no clouds or aerosol, LWGNT = Net downward longwave flux at the surface
LWGNTCLR = Net downward longwave flux for cloud-free sky, LWGNTCLRCLN = Net downward longwave flux at the surface for clear sky
LWTUP = Upward longwave flux at top of atmosphere (TOA), LWTUPCLR = Upward longwave flux at TOA assuming clear sky
LWTUPCLRCLN = Upward longwave flux at TOA assuming clear clean sky, SWTDN = TOA incident shortwave flux
SWGDN = Surface incident shortwave flux, SWGDNCLR = Surface incident shortwave flux assuming clear sky
SWGNT = Surface net downward shortwave flux, SWGNTCLR = Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky
SWGNTCLN = Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clean sky
SWGNTCLRCLN = Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clear clean sky, SWTNT = TOA net downward shortwave flux
SWTNTCLR = TOA net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky, SWTNTCLN = TOA net downward shortwave flux assuming clean sky
SWTNTCLRCLN = TOA net downward shortwave flux assuming clear clean sky
TAUHGH = Optical thickness of high clouds, TAULOW = Optical thickness of low clouds, TAUMID = Optical thickness of mid-level clouds
TAUTOT = Optical thickness of all clouds, CLDHGH = High-level (above 400 hPa) cloud fraction
CLDLOW = Mid-level (700-400 hPa) cloud fraction
CLDMID = Low-level (1000-700 hPa) cloud fraction
CLDTOT = Total cloud fraction
FOLLOWING ARE THE SELECTED ONES: I think these parameters affect the solar panels.
EMIS = Surface emissivity
TS = Surface temperature
ALBEDO = Surface albedo
Diffuse beam NIR surface albedo
Direct beam NIR surface albedo
Emitted longwave at the surface
Absorbed longwave at the surface
Absorbed longwave at the surface with no clouds
Net downward longwave flux at the surface
Net downward longwave flux at the surface for clear sky
Surface incident shortwave flux
Surface incident shortwave flux assuming clear sky
Optical thickness of high clouds
Optical thickness of low clouds
High-level (above 400 hPa) cloud fraction
Low-level (1000-700 hPa) cloud fraction
Total cloud fraction
Please help me in selecting the right parameters that affect the solar panels.
I am working on hdf files related to solar radiation and there are lot of parameters in that. Some are related to solar panels and some are not. I just want to know if i have selected the right parameters. Following are the parameters:
EMIS = Surface emissivity
TS = Surface temperature, ALBEDO = Surface albedo, ALBNIRDF = Diffuse beam NIR surface albedo
ALBNIRDR = Direct beam NIR surface albedo, ALBVISDF = Diffuse beam VIS-UV surface albedo, ALBVISDR = Direct beam VIS-UV surface albedo
LWGEM = Emitted longwave at the surface, LWGAB = Absorbed longwave at the surface, LWGABCLR = Absorbed longwave at the surface with no clouds
LWGABCLRCLN = Absorbed longwave at the surface with no clouds or aerosol, LWGNT = Net downward longwave flux at the surface
LWGNTCLR = Net downward longwave flux for cloud-free sky, LWGNTCLRCLN = Net downward longwave flux at the surface for clear sky
LWTUP = Upward longwave flux at top of atmosphere (TOA), LWTUPCLR = Upward longwave flux at TOA assuming clear sky
LWTUPCLRCLN = Upward longwave flux at TOA assuming clear clean sky, SWTDN = TOA incident shortwave flux
SWGDN = Surface incident shortwave flux, SWGDNCLR = Surface incident shortwave flux assuming clear sky
SWGNT = Surface net downward shortwave flux, SWGNTCLR = Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky
SWGNTCLN = Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clean sky
SWGNTCLRCLN = Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clear clean sky, SWTNT = TOA net downward shortwave flux
SWTNTCLR = TOA net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky, SWTNTCLN = TOA net downward shortwave flux assuming clean sky
SWTNTCLRCLN = TOA net downward shortwave flux assuming clear clean sky
TAUHGH = Optical thickness of high clouds, TAULOW = Optical thickness of low clouds, TAUMID = Optical thickness of mid-level clouds
TAUTOT = Optical thickness of all clouds, CLDHGH = High-level (above 400 hPa) cloud fraction
CLDLOW = Mid-level (700-400 hPa) cloud fraction
CLDMID = Low-level (1000-700 hPa) cloud fraction
CLDTOT = Total cloud fraction
FOLLOWING ARE THE SELECTED ONES: I think these parameters affect the solar panels.
EMIS = Surface emissivity
TS = Surface temperature
ALBEDO = Surface albedo
Diffuse beam NIR surface albedo
Direct beam NIR surface albedo
Emitted longwave at the surface
Absorbed longwave at the surface
Absorbed longwave at the surface with no clouds
Net downward longwave flux at the surface
Net downward longwave flux at the surface for clear sky
Surface incident shortwave flux
Surface incident shortwave flux assuming clear sky
Optical thickness of high clouds
Optical thickness of low clouds
High-level (above 400 hPa) cloud fraction
Low-level (1000-700 hPa) cloud fraction
Total cloud fraction
Please help me in selecting the right parameters that affect the solar panels.