I have been doing some online reserach for last few weeks on financial viability of setting up and running a 1MW Grid connected Solar plant.
Based on all the facts at had, I have come to following conclusions (open to criticism, suggestions):
1) It makes sense if you are a taxing paying corporate, as AD (accelerated depreciation) is going to make you break even in 2-3 years. Beyond that, even if you sell power at 'coal power' prices, business case is still strong.
2) If you can't take advantge of AD, then there is no business case. REC (Renewable Energy Credits) model has failed, simply no buyers for REC, as junk as ash.
I know I have oversimplified things, however, even with detailed data, broadly conclusions remain same for me.
Have I got it right? Or have I missed something? Opinions please.
Fortunately, this forum has an old thread (initiated in 2013) on the same subject. Did anyone actually invest in 2013? If so, please provide your experience and views.
Based on all the facts at had, I have come to following conclusions (open to criticism, suggestions):
1) It makes sense if you are a taxing paying corporate, as AD (accelerated depreciation) is going to make you break even in 2-3 years. Beyond that, even if you sell power at 'coal power' prices, business case is still strong.
2) If you can't take advantge of AD, then there is no business case. REC (Renewable Energy Credits) model has failed, simply no buyers for REC, as junk as ash.
I know I have oversimplified things, however, even with detailed data, broadly conclusions remain same for me.
Have I got it right? Or have I missed something? Opinions please.
Fortunately, this forum has an old thread (initiated in 2013) on the same subject. Did anyone actually invest in 2013? If so, please provide your experience and views.