Hi all, I'm at a dead end so hoping there's some experts here who might be able to help.
Moved into my current home 3 years ago with solar PV and solar thermal. The Thermomax SMT-300 controller for the thermal has gone kaput and I think it needs replacing. It must be 10-15 years old now, and when powered on emits a buzzing noise just like in this video (not mine, but it shows the problem) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2lt3gi Until recently, my unit behaved like in the video - it would buzz if the power was cut off before seeming to fix itself after 5-10 minutes. However, it no longer fixes itself! There's no troubleshooting in the manual I found online so I'm not assuming it needs replacement. But cannot find the same part and have no leads on how to find something similar I could drop in.
With that, my options seem to be: Call up a local specialist company and pay a big wedge of money for them to supply a replacement - unless they have a very similar model I suspect they'd have to change the sensors, so with parts and half (?) a days labour I'd guess I won't see much change from £1,000
Accept that it's just not economically worthwhile replacing and leave it. (Don't know if that means it'll blow up next summer!)
Any suggestions or leads on replacement parts?
Moved into my current home 3 years ago with solar PV and solar thermal. The Thermomax SMT-300 controller for the thermal has gone kaput and I think it needs replacing. It must be 10-15 years old now, and when powered on emits a buzzing noise just like in this video (not mine, but it shows the problem) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2lt3gi Until recently, my unit behaved like in the video - it would buzz if the power was cut off before seeming to fix itself after 5-10 minutes. However, it no longer fixes itself! There's no troubleshooting in the manual I found online so I'm not assuming it needs replacement. But cannot find the same part and have no leads on how to find something similar I could drop in.
With that, my options seem to be: Call up a local specialist company and pay a big wedge of money for them to supply a replacement - unless they have a very similar model I suspect they'd have to change the sensors, so with parts and half (?) a days labour I'd guess I won't see much change from £1,000
Accept that it's just not economically worthwhile replacing and leave it. (Don't know if that means it'll blow up next summer!)
Any suggestions or leads on replacement parts?