Ok any one done such a project.
on my present house i fitted 40 thermomax evac tubes +heatstore 20 years ago --this di run the underfloor partially --but the downside was lack of storage
so this time on new passiv or almost sip framed house iam thinking about this again
Ido have a 1000gallon grp tank that ifitted out with input and output coil ,surrounded it with 5"of PIR insuslation ,then air gap and then double bubble foil insulation .kingspan told me that the temp loss from that 5ft x8ft tankwould be around 1.7c per week
this was going to be next step --but wife would not accept me buring it in the garden --so thinking maybe this time to drop this tank or bigger if needed in concrete jacket with pir outer layer in basement of new house .
concrete with have specific heat or at least 4-1. granite is 5-1 so maybe make with granite aggregate so my thoughts are that that will be my thermal mass backup
all thoughts very welcome
Ok any one done such a project.
on my present house i fitted 40 thermomax evac tubes +heatstore 20 years ago --this di run the underfloor partially --but the downside was lack of storage
so this time on new passiv or almost sip framed house iam thinking about this again
Ido have a 1000gallon grp tank that ifitted out with input and output coil ,surrounded it with 5"of PIR insuslation ,then air gap and then double bubble foil insulation .kingspan told me that the temp loss from that 5ft x8ft tankwould be around 1.7c per week
this was going to be next step --but wife would not accept me buring it in the garden --so thinking maybe this time to drop this tank or bigger if needed in concrete jacket with pir outer layer in basement of new house .
concrete with have specific heat or at least 4-1. granite is 5-1 so maybe make with granite aggregate so my thoughts are that that will be my thermal mass backup
all thoughts very welcome