I am interested in solar hot water temperature differential controller's regime of work during holidays.
I've read that if holiday lasts up to 3 days, it is recommended to keep the regime the same as on working day (pumps working during the day; pumps turned off during the night).
However, during holidays longer than 3 days when controllers are switched to "vacation" mode, they turn on the pumps during night and "send" the hot water from the storage tank to collectors, in order to convective cool the water.
What about during the day (on holidays)? Do pumps still work normally during the day, and circulate the water through the system, even though there is no hot water consumption?
My question is directed towards non-drainback systems, and systems where collectors can not be covered (with sheets...) during holidays.
Thank you for the reply.
I am interested in solar hot water temperature differential controller's regime of work during holidays.
I've read that if holiday lasts up to 3 days, it is recommended to keep the regime the same as on working day (pumps working during the day; pumps turned off during the night).
However, during holidays longer than 3 days when controllers are switched to "vacation" mode, they turn on the pumps during night and "send" the hot water from the storage tank to collectors, in order to convective cool the water.
What about during the day (on holidays)? Do pumps still work normally during the day, and circulate the water through the system, even though there is no hot water consumption?
My question is directed towards non-drainback systems, and systems where collectors can not be covered (with sheets...) during holidays.
Thank you for the reply.