Hi... New house has solar pool heating. It was and remains turned off. Wife wants pool warmer now. What do I have to do to properly start it up? I know it was drained before winter.
Pool equipment specs: New Pentair Intelliflo Variable Speed pump, Pentair DE Filter. Panels are below the equipment pad, by approx. 6-8 feet in height and about 25 feet from pool.
Also, can I run the pump at very low speeds or is there a minimum flow rate to make sure the water is capable of getting back up the hill?
Thanks, Michael
Pool equipment specs: New Pentair Intelliflo Variable Speed pump, Pentair DE Filter. Panels are below the equipment pad, by approx. 6-8 feet in height and about 25 feet from pool.
Also, can I run the pump at very low speeds or is there a minimum flow rate to make sure the water is capable of getting back up the hill?
Thanks, Michael