According to the forum rules, as I understand them, I'm not allowed to post links to commercial sites. So you have to do with my rather clumpsy descriptions 
Say I have solar panels from diffrent brands, plus perhaps a windmill. All have diffrent voltages. Is it possible to combine all those sources into one big power source?
Í'm a complete beginner without any practical experience that studied the various ways solar panels are used. Heating panels that simply blow hot air into the house, electricity, water heaters and if I understood it correctly a combination of electricity and water heating.
For simplicity assume I only want to use solar panels for two uses.
a] In the summer power my airconditioning unit.
b] In the winter heat my house.
I could buy heating panels and PV panels but that would mean the panels are only used during summer or winter.
What's the best solution to this problem? Only PV panels and electric heating only?
Of course the situation is more complex...
I'm not planning to go entirely off-grid. I will be connected to the power grid and prefer a place with natural gas.
Heating with natural gas is much cheaper than electricity and because I also need heat during hours the solar panels don't generate enough power to heat my house I think my only choice is to heat my home with gas and when possible use my panels to reduce heating costs. When heating with gas I prefer central heating because that's needs if every room needs to have a different temperature. I would prefer that the solar panels somehow heat the same gas powered system to avoid having 2 seperate heating systems in my house. Same for heating by my tap water.
Is it possible to tie together gas and solar power?
I'll stop here because this are enough questions for my first post

Say I have solar panels from diffrent brands, plus perhaps a windmill. All have diffrent voltages. Is it possible to combine all those sources into one big power source?
Í'm a complete beginner without any practical experience that studied the various ways solar panels are used. Heating panels that simply blow hot air into the house, electricity, water heaters and if I understood it correctly a combination of electricity and water heating.
For simplicity assume I only want to use solar panels for two uses.
a] In the summer power my airconditioning unit.
b] In the winter heat my house.
I could buy heating panels and PV panels but that would mean the panels are only used during summer or winter.
What's the best solution to this problem? Only PV panels and electric heating only?
Of course the situation is more complex...
I'm not planning to go entirely off-grid. I will be connected to the power grid and prefer a place with natural gas.
Heating with natural gas is much cheaper than electricity and because I also need heat during hours the solar panels don't generate enough power to heat my house I think my only choice is to heat my home with gas and when possible use my panels to reduce heating costs. When heating with gas I prefer central heating because that's needs if every room needs to have a different temperature. I would prefer that the solar panels somehow heat the same gas powered system to avoid having 2 seperate heating systems in my house. Same for heating by my tap water.
Is it possible to tie together gas and solar power?
I'll stop here because this are enough questions for my first post
