I would say yes and no. I like to consider myself more or less a tree hugger. I know that mercury is why they called the hatters "mad" (mercury paint). I know mercury can volatilize and be breathed in and can cause all kinds of health problems, and that we can't eat much fish out of our local rivers because of industrial mercury contamination. But I don't think mercury vapors can escape an unbroken CFL bulb. And as much as I am a tree hugger, I must confess that every 2-4 months when I do have to replace a CFL bulb, I just wrap the darn thing in a few plastic grocery bags and throw it into the garbage. Mercury, much like other metals don't tend to travel too far in the ground even when its in the groundwater. I figure its better in a lined landfill than sitting in my car or around my house waiting to be broken (which is a big concern) while I wait for a time when I can drive it somewhere to dispose of it.
I remember breaking a mercury thermometer as a kid and me and my sisters had a good time rolling the stuff into silver balls on the coffee table. Luckily my mom came and cleaned it up before we touched it too much. lol.
I remember breaking a mercury thermometer as a kid and me and my sisters had a good time rolling the stuff into silver balls on the coffee table. Luckily my mom came and cleaned it up before we touched it too much. lol.