Hi everyone. So I'm a complete newbie and hooked up my first solar setup for my chicken coop last week but I'm already having problem. Here's my setup.....20w solar panel>>>Gamma 3.0 charge controller>>>12v battery w/LCD volt meter display wired directly to battery. From the charge controller I then connected the lighting. Two 5w bulb fixtures to light the coop off off adigital timer. It was working fine for a week but I noticed tonight the battery light and the load light on the charge controller was blinking fast and lights in the coop were off. I unplugged the battery from the charge controller then hooked it back up again. It worked momentarily but then nothing again. My voltmeter is reading 11.5 btw. I'm stumped. Bad connections? Did I set it up wrong? It seemed pretty straight forward but now I have no idea what's wrong. Any help for a new guy to the solar way would be greatly appreciate.
Thanks very much
Thanks very much