Solar Garden Lights are very easy to install requiring. The cost of installation is very low. Further, they can be installed very quickly and easily anywhere without any delay. They require very low maintenance and survive for years without requiring much attention. The solar panels come with about 25 years of warranty. The battery is covered in a weatherproof battery box. As per the requirements, the LED Solar Garden Lights can be easily configured. The LED Solar Garden Lights can work without requiring any electricity bills. They have a power backup of about 2to 3 days. The stored power even in the rainy and cloudy days. Due to its benefits, they are installed for Garden and Out Side the Home.
Solar Garden Light in Shimla
Solar Garden Light in Shimla
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This gallery has 4 photos.Last edited by Splender; 05-26-2016, 04:12 AM. -
Is this advertisement? I rather have one 50 watt solar panel located in the right location and charge 12 volt battery... -
IT probably is an advertisement but since it does not have any links to a website the post is somewhat acceptable.Comment