Newbie Time of Use Question...
Just got our system installed in Southern CA and loving it. Having the dilemma of switching to Time of Use or sticking with the basic Tier Structure.
Trying to calculate the difference in credits I'd receive and while the Domestic Tier Rate is straight forward and easy to calculate I am having a hard time figuring out the corresponding credit I would receive under the TOU rate. I first thought it was calculated daily for a dollar amount but I guess I was a little too anxious and optimistic. Found out it is done at month's end and is some huge calculation. Does anyone have a simple way of figuring this out?
Here are my projected usages for June and it's pretty easy to see with the Tier Plan I'd get approx. $23 credit at the end of the month (-177 x $0.13) I gotta think going to TOU would be beneficial right?
USAGE: 413 (On Peak: 11 Off Peak: 402)
Solar: -590 (On Peak: -393 Off Peak: -197)
NET: -177
Throw in the two tier levels for TOU and I am completely lost. My Tier 1 allowance is 367 and the current summer rates for Tier 1: Off .12 On .31 and Tier 2: Off .27 On .47
I know the solar providers have programs to determine this but I am actually trying to understand the "how" this is derived.
Thank you for your time and help.
Just got our system installed in Southern CA and loving it. Having the dilemma of switching to Time of Use or sticking with the basic Tier Structure.
Trying to calculate the difference in credits I'd receive and while the Domestic Tier Rate is straight forward and easy to calculate I am having a hard time figuring out the corresponding credit I would receive under the TOU rate. I first thought it was calculated daily for a dollar amount but I guess I was a little too anxious and optimistic. Found out it is done at month's end and is some huge calculation. Does anyone have a simple way of figuring this out?
Here are my projected usages for June and it's pretty easy to see with the Tier Plan I'd get approx. $23 credit at the end of the month (-177 x $0.13) I gotta think going to TOU would be beneficial right?
USAGE: 413 (On Peak: 11 Off Peak: 402)
Solar: -590 (On Peak: -393 Off Peak: -197)
NET: -177
Throw in the two tier levels for TOU and I am completely lost. My Tier 1 allowance is 367 and the current summer rates for Tier 1: Off .12 On .31 and Tier 2: Off .27 On .47
I know the solar providers have programs to determine this but I am actually trying to understand the "how" this is derived.
Thank you for your time and help.