Buyer Beware.
Keep in mind the people who make these ebooks are internet marketers looking for a quick buck, not solar guru's.
Why waste money on these ebooks? there's an abundance of information (for free) about DIY solar panels from folks who have took a stab at it. Our DIY solar forum here at Solar Panel Talk is a great place to start.
Below are the ebooks this post is directed at:
Energy4Green & Energy2Green
Earth 4 Electricity
Free Energy Options
Here are some good links from people who built their own solar panel and documented the process on their website:
DIY Solar Websites
Keep in mind the people who make these ebooks are internet marketers looking for a quick buck, not solar guru's.
Why waste money on these ebooks? there's an abundance of information (for free) about DIY solar panels from folks who have took a stab at it. Our DIY solar forum here at Solar Panel Talk is a great place to start.
Below are the ebooks this post is directed at:
Energy4Green & Energy2Green
Earth 4 Electricity
Free Energy Options
Here are some good links from people who built their own solar panel and documented the process on their website:
DIY Solar Websites