I'm not surprised this is the case, but it's nice to know I'm not alone. Our production was almost equal between October and November, but about 60% of what we did in September. This month we're on track to hit about 60% of November's number. It's kind of neat to see the relative position of the sun charted over time as clear day production values, although it's making me look forward to spring and summer in a way I'm not accustomed to, haha.
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You are not the only one seeing decreased production this month. It has been a cloudy December. Luckily I'm making up this week with all the sunny days we are having. This is what my system has produced against what was expected.
Screenshot 2019-12-23 at 9.21.37 AM.pnghttps://pvoutput.org/list.jsp?userid=59404Comment
Hey, my solar edge stopped communicating on 12/16 I just noticed. I sent a support request. The second meter they installed is failing... the screen is degrading. Check to see when the last time SolarEdge portal was updated.Comment
@jordgubbe @macaddict you guys will be at least 50% of November. As of right now I'm at 1/5 my November production lol.
Where I am, summer is typically 6-8 degrees cooler than say NYC, and we pay it back in the winter when it's the opposite, too bad I can't have it both ways. So even a small amount of snow will stick around for a while, and that's assuming the sky clears up. In fact, a lot of times when we get an inch or 2, I drive down this hill and there's nothing at all.
At least the sun will start getting higher again now.https://pvoutput.org/list.jsp?sid=69875Comment
[QUOTE=sunpoweredev;n409495]Where I am, summer is typically 6-8 degrees cooler than say NYC, and we pay it back in the winter when it's the opposite, too bad I can't have it both ways./QUOTE]
You can. Do what I did. Move to San Diego.
@NJturtlePower, how's your system been doing in December? My production fell off the cliff, even compared to November's 794kWh, and never mind the peak in August at 1.7MWh - three weeks into December and it generated a whopping 147kWhIn August on a perfect day it made 76kWh IIRC in a single day. My problem here is even couple inches of snow will stick around for 4-5 days since I'm pretty high up, so much of this month my panels are covered. Even after the warm day we had yesterday, four of the panels are still covered in ice. Brushing the snow off is out of the question for me.
I might as well call JCP&L now and reset my anniversary to March. Should it be on March 1st or April 1st? I'm guessing March 1st.
For some reason I can't tag forum members any more, so I figure I'd ask you in your thread. Have a great holiday!
In better news, I successfully traded my first 3 SREC's for $648 last week. Starting to feel like a real income source. And although I haven't been able to bank anything just yet starting so late in the season, I can't complain with electric bills totalling only $45 (Oct) $8 (Nov) and $8 (Dec).
I have yet to reset my "Solar Year" with JCP&L but i'll get to it soon... March 1st it is!
Have a great Christmas/Holiday/Winter Break to you and all the others following along here.
happy-holidays1-resized-600.jpgLast edited by NJturtlePower; 12-24-2019, 03:37 PM.12.35 kW - https://pvoutput.org/list.jsp?sid=67749Comment
Looks like today is the last actually sunny day for December here in central NJ! PVWatts had estimated about 497kWh for this month and I'm probably on pace to only get to 325 or 350kWh if lucky (currently at 267kWh for the month). In November my production was 612kWh against PVWatts estimate of 567kWh.
For January the estimate says 576kWh and for Feb its 705kWh which I am having a hard time believing will get anywhere close to, especially Feb of only 28 days! Or maybe there is a higher concentration historically of clear days then and the days slightly longer then.Comment
Looks like today is the last actually sunny day for December here in central NJ! PVWatts had estimated about 497kWh for this month and I'm probably on pace to only get to 325 or 350kWh if lucky (currently at 267kWh for the month). In November my production was 612kWh against PVWatts estimate of 567kWh.
For January the estimate says 576kWh and for Feb its 705kWh which I am having a hard time believing will get anywhere close to, especially Feb of only 28 days! Or maybe there is a higher concentration historically of clear days then and the days slightly longer then.
FWIW, if I modify the PVWatts system loss parameter so that the model exactly matches my system's total output since 10/17/13, the (actual running 31 day system output)/(PVWatts modeled 31 day output for the same period) has max. and min. values of +30.23 % and -35.56%. The population std. dev. is 9.75 %.
The running 365 day actual totals are +5.30 % and -3.93 % of the PVWatts 365 day total, std. dev. is 2.22 %.
Your results will be different, but the ~ +/- 30% variation between model and actual over any 30 day period is to be expected.
Models are for system design. A model cannot predict system performance with any more reliability than the weather can be predicted more than a few days ahead.
For the same reasons that climate is easier to rely on than weather for long term planning, the longer the period of analysis, the closer and probably more accurate a model will get to a rough estimate of a system's output.Comment
I just called JCP&L at the GPE provided number of 800-662-3115 and at the prompt was transferred to billing.
I stated I was calling to "change my solar interconnection month for purposes of net metering", and the agent was clearly aware of the nature of my call. She asked what month I would like and I stated March as recommended.
I'm assuming this annual solar review takes place on your typical meter reading date, but I don't know for a fact....maybe some of our local veteran members can confirm. I'm guessing March would mean at the end of the Feb. reading date to include the full March statement period.....
Anyways, I was given an official notification case number for reference and it seems like that's it, no other notification via mail or such as far as I was told. The request is sent to the appropriate department and the change is made.
12.35 kW - https://pvoutput.org/list.jsp?sid=67749Comment
That's correct. My billing cycle is on the 16th of each month so my anniversary date with JCP&L is March 16th.https://pvoutput.org/list.jsp?userid=59404Comment
My cycle ends about the last day of the month (30th or so) so I guess technically I could have used Feb. as my reset to capture all of March in my NEW solar year, but I doubt it'll matter much. As I understand, as long as you're using up all of your solar bank BEFORE the next solar year you won't be getting paid out either way so considering the low production of Dec-Feb I'm sure it won't be an issue in my case.12.35 kW - https://pvoutput.org/list.jsp?sid=67749Comment
In my case, since my billing date is also the last day of the month, the person I spoke to advised setting February as the anniversary month, since theoretically February should be more likely to be a deficit generation month and March would be likely to be a surplus month, so I should thus avoid getting cashed out for watthours I'll be using in AC monthshttps://www.pvoutput.org/list.jsp?sid=73948Comment
My reset is end of March. I could have used end of April, because I might need the
reserve from the previous summer to heat a couple buildings. However I have
been able to generate just enough energy to avoid buying any every April so far.
Bruce RoeComment