I appreciate what you write. In this case however, running PVWatts without any shading ought to show about or within a couple/few % of the same output as another model running with no shading, provided both produce what are deemed reliable results - whatever that means. I'd think shading on another model would produce less output than the same model run without shading.
Anyway, if I was the OP, I'd get a sunpath diagram of site shading and then, if ambitious, get familiar w/ SAM (PVWatts on steroids), include the shading from that model and see what it has to say.
well another mistake is using the wrong location, so say they put it in southern CA by mistake by copying an existing design..
Seen that too.
well another mistake is using the wrong location, so say they put it in southern CA by mistake by copying an existing design..
Seen that too.
Anecdotally, when I was working, I'd see mental lapses such as that. After I got to be the boss and eliminated radios/earphones, I still saw them, but the number of such errors seemed to decrease, but vigilance and calc/spec./drawing checking still went on. Go figure.