Hi - we're building a new house here in the SF Bay area. It's a 2 story craftsman style home, so the roof has some facets to it, sort of like this house: https://cdn.houseplans.com/product/r.../w1024.jpg?v=7, but larger overall. The front of the house is south by southwest, which means the panels mostly should be on the front and right side of the house, and there is a detached garage as well that faces the same way that can host panels as well.
Due to rates here in PG&E land, getting a lot of power out of the array is important to me. The solar contractor my GC has recommended wants to use Solaredge gear, as the optimizers would help deal with panels that are at different angles. Th problem with that is that I am a ham radio operator, and the Solaredge optimizers (not the inverters) use DC-DC converters that have been poorly designed from a radio interference point of view.
Even if the main inverter is off, they put out a ton of RF in the shortwave bands, wiping out most of the signals I'd like to be able to receive. This has been validated in a couple articles by hams who had been saddled with these and so I'd need to avoid Solaredge because of it.
There is some anecdotal evidence that some of the string inverter companies like SMA do not have such problems, but I am told the roof design means its going to take a efficiency hit without the use of some type of optimizer.
I was wondering if folks here had any experience with the Tigo optimizers, as they don't seem to have DC-DC converters in their designs, or the new Maxim integrated optimizers that as far as I can tell are only in Chinese panels so far, and not in the highest wattage panels at that.
The first sets of Enphase inverters were TERRIBLE as well in the interference department, but newer units are supposed to be better, but radio operators tend to stay away from them so I can't find anyone who has them and can say they aren't a problem.
And also some have heard that Solaredge has newer optimizer designs that are better, but again I can't find anyone who can verify that or tell me the various versions they have shipped and their differences.
My GC's solar guy looks at me strangely when I bring all this up, as I don't think he's ever dealt with this issue.
Has anyone here experienced a lot of interference to your AM radios and such, or general RF interference and can guide me away from or to designs that would serve my home well and not interference with radio signals?
This is a real problem in an emergency where this type of communication is important, and provides links when the normal networks have problems.
Due to rates here in PG&E land, getting a lot of power out of the array is important to me. The solar contractor my GC has recommended wants to use Solaredge gear, as the optimizers would help deal with panels that are at different angles. Th problem with that is that I am a ham radio operator, and the Solaredge optimizers (not the inverters) use DC-DC converters that have been poorly designed from a radio interference point of view.
Even if the main inverter is off, they put out a ton of RF in the shortwave bands, wiping out most of the signals I'd like to be able to receive. This has been validated in a couple articles by hams who had been saddled with these and so I'd need to avoid Solaredge because of it.
There is some anecdotal evidence that some of the string inverter companies like SMA do not have such problems, but I am told the roof design means its going to take a efficiency hit without the use of some type of optimizer.
I was wondering if folks here had any experience with the Tigo optimizers, as they don't seem to have DC-DC converters in their designs, or the new Maxim integrated optimizers that as far as I can tell are only in Chinese panels so far, and not in the highest wattage panels at that.
The first sets of Enphase inverters were TERRIBLE as well in the interference department, but newer units are supposed to be better, but radio operators tend to stay away from them so I can't find anyone who has them and can say they aren't a problem.
And also some have heard that Solaredge has newer optimizer designs that are better, but again I can't find anyone who can verify that or tell me the various versions they have shipped and their differences.
My GC's solar guy looks at me strangely when I bring all this up, as I don't think he's ever dealt with this issue.
Has anyone here experienced a lot of interference to your AM radios and such, or general RF interference and can guide me away from or to designs that would serve my home well and not interference with radio signals?
This is a real problem in an emergency where this type of communication is important, and provides links when the normal networks have problems.