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5.04KW solar panel is coming up in SF Bay Area
EV car charger connected... All are final.
Pictures of the electric connection. This can be example if someone do not want to pay for the sub-panel upgrade. Ask to include the second sub for free as you pay too much labor for solar. I am not sure how much times for upgrading sub-panel, but it is kind of similar job-- move AC connector, add new sub-panel, run conduit and install EV car charger ... Cost at more than 5 hours total.
Main panels with 2 breakers : 100A for existing sub-panel of the house, 60A breaker for a new sub-panel for solar.
Special label must states "Solar sub-panel to the right over the fence"Really specific to the location.
New Sub-panel has 4 breakers : 2 15Amp for 2 Enphase strings, 1 40A for AC and 1 40A for EV car charger.
EV car charger connected today _ Bosch Power Max 30A 240V 18 feet cable . Price $90 (after $500 credit from GM for spark EV)
All jobs are done as contract.... The rest is to wait for PG&E plus future production ...Comment
Envoy and rainforest eagle
Here is picture on how I connect envoy and rainforest eagle in garage.
- Envoy use wifi usb to connect to Internet.
- Rainforest Aegle connect to the WIFI extender next to it using CAT-5 (Rainforest must be few feet from meter ... That is the limited of the smart meter -- you can do the same way for connecting Solaredge to Internet)
What brand is your main panel (with the meter)?
It looks to me like might be federal pacific.
(I couldn't read the writing on the cover in the picture.)
If it's federal pacific, I'd strongly consider replacing it as part of your solar install.Comment
Unless it has problem, there is no reason to do so.Comment
I do not know. Since the smart meter is a part of the panel. I would assume it is PG&E side. The main panel replacement is a big job since it involve to move the underground power core (200A) to couple feet plus coordination with PG&E to turn off power and move the underground supply. Plus the main panel is 200A already. The rule is not to have power and gas pipe close to each other.
Have you checked with your AHJ and PG&E about whether replacing the panel would require moving the underground feeder?
It is likely that even if they are too close they'd let you get away with it as a grandfathered install even when replacing the main panel.
But since I don't see a gas pipe/meter in the picture it's hard to say if they even are too close for a current install.
Unless it has problem, there is no reason to do so.
Look at the panel for who makes it and then go from there.
If it were me and it was federal pacific, I'd replace it - even if it was $2-4K.Comment
The meter is PG&E property, but the socket/main panel is yours.
Have you checked with your AHJ and PG&E about whether replacing the panel would require moving the underground feeder?
It is likely that even if they are too close they'd let you get away with it as a grandfathered install even when replacing the main panel.
But since I don't see a gas pipe/meter in the picture it's hard to say if they even are too close for a current install.
If it's federal pacific it IS a problem.
Look at the panel for who makes it and then go from there.
If it were me and it was federal pacific, I'd replace it - even if it was $2-4K.
It looks dirty outside, but internal is still pretty good (no damage or rust ...) Cable is also looks good , along with all connections.Comment
PTO received
Finally the whole solar transaction is done. PTO email is received today. It seems PG&E really working hard. It takes 3 business days to complete the transaction (submit on 10/7, accept on 10/12)...
This thread is end here ... Update the main thread for the whole process.Comment
Congrats...your solar project is moving really super quick. Now, just sit back and enjoy the cleaned power for years to come. Im hoping to have a pto in the next 2-3 weeks for, SCE.Comment
Finally the whole solar transaction is done. PTO email is received today. It seems PG&E really working hard. It takes 3 business days to complete the transaction (submit on 10/7, accept on 10/12)...
This thread is end here ... Update the main thread for the whole process.Comment
Sure. I will start a new thread. However, I am going to finish the excel sheet to reflex per month usage. So user can just upload their last year usage, plus adding the adjustment from Solar, EV or any new needed to get the current year usage.Comment