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  • J.P.M.
    Solar Fanatic
    • Aug 2013
    • 14997

    Originally posted by JBinCBad
    Thanks guys, I probably should have squeezed him on the date before signing. Its tough to try not to be a d*ck but get the best, quickest deal and install. I believe there is some language about compensation if the delay is beyond the contract and within their control, I just didn't see much concern until the crickets started chirping. The roof install, my entire roof, only took 3 days, they were on and off like flies on, you know. . .
    For my part, you're welcome. More FWIW, sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease, as long as you're not a PITA butthole about it. Grease their pole a little bit and throw'em a few referrals, one at a time and waive the referral fee. It's just business.


    • hcubed
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2015
      • 16

      Timeline for my install in La Costa

      Originally posted by JBinCBad
      Before I signed my install contract, I asked regarding the 3-month window the installer put in the contract. It was explained to me that due to matters outside their control (eg the city issuing permits, I understood it mean), the 3 mos. was a reasonable time, but it may go much faster. Now I'm a bit concerned, as to whether its just a business opportunity to sign as many contracts as possible, and put them in the "get to it later" pile.

      Can others chime in on their timing from contract to install? My mounts are already installed when the roof was done (2 wks ago), but haven't had any progress since. It'd be nice to have them installed overnight, but I think getting the permit application submitted within a few weeks is reasonable, no?

      I'm seeing a lot of productive sun days pass without capture, and am getting a bit impatient, but I didn't change the date in the contract, so I guess its my bad for not ensuring the installer made reasonable and timely efforts to get it done.
      I am doing my solar install in conjunction with re-doing my roof. I finalized my choice of roofers in the middle of June and signed my solar contract on June 24th and got them rolling on the process. My installer was planning on dropping the plans off at the Carlsbad planning department on July 13 and was actually shocked that they took him at the counter and approved them on the spot. Net metering application with SDGE was submitted on July 14 and approved on July 15.

      My roof work was supposed to start on Aug. 5 but the weekend of rain in July screwed up my roofer's schedule. The work actually started on Aug. 12 and will complete this Friday. My solar installer put in all the stanchions and my roofer did all the flashings for them. The current plan is that my solar installer will be back on Monday (Aug. 24) to finish the install.

      I have been very happy with my roofer and solar installer and they have been working together very well. I will say the two companies never worked together before this job.


      • JBinCBad
        • Dec 2014
        • 56

        Thanx Hcubed, sounds about right for how a quick, easy job should be done. my roofer and installer supposedly work well together as well, but my roof has been done for almost 3 weeks, and haven't seen the installer since then. Mounts are already up, last response from installer was that engineering had to draft a plan to submit for permitting. Its a single, sloped S/SW roof, nothing challenging, so I think my solar co. is just backed up. . . and doing nothing on my particular job.


        • Carl_NH
          Solar Fanatic
          • Sep 2014
          • 131

          Originally posted by JBinCBad
          Its a single, sloped S/SW roof, nothing challenging, so I think my solar co. is just backed up. . . and doing nothing on my particular job.
          I signed the contract in early Sept 2014 acknowledging they "may" not meet the Dec 31 2014 install date, as it was weather permitting and in NE we get snow in Nov/Dec so this was understandable. Not meeting the date would have tax liabilities as such the vendor agreed to the same price in mid 2015 to do the install. I paid 20% down and then x on installation and then x on utility connection.

          It's resources that gate the installers timeframe more than permits, and its business - so yes they want a backlog of 10-12 weeks work to get people to sign now, also they leverage this into buying materials. Imagine if you can predict say 2000 panels for x period, of course buying power gets them a better price.

          So it's a number of factors - installer resources, supply chain delivery time (typ 8-10 weeks) and when everything is aligned without weather delays they deliver on schedule.

          At the end of the day our installer was here Dec 18-19 and we were approved Dec 28, and connected Dec 30th. So it all worked out, but 12 weeks seems to be the norm for reasons stated above.



          • J.P.M.
            Solar Fanatic
            • Aug 2013
            • 14997

            Originally posted by hcubed
            I am doing my solar install in conjunction with re-doing my roof. I finalized my choice of roofers in the middle of June and signed my solar contract on June 24th and got them rolling on the process. My installer was planning on dropping the plans off at the Carlsbad planning department on July 13 and was actually shocked that they took him at the counter and approved them on the spot. Net metering application with SDGE was submitted on July 14 and approved on July 15.

            My roof work was supposed to start on Aug. 5 but the weekend of rain in July screwed up my roofer's schedule. The work actually started on Aug. 12 and will complete this Friday. My solar installer put in all the stanchions and my roofer did all the flashings for them. The current plan is that my solar installer will be back on Monday (Aug. 24) to finish the install.

            I have been very happy with my roofer and solar installer and they have been working together very well. I will say the two companies never worked together before this job.
            You did it about the same way I did it. Took a bit of coord. and communication on my part, but I believe it was worth it.


            • SunEagle
              Super Moderator
              • Oct 2012
              • 15152

              Originally posted by J.P.M.
              You did it about the same way I did it. Took a bit of coord. and communication on my part, but I believe it was worth it.
              I hope you weren't "communicating" with your 12 gauge.


              • J.P.M.
                Solar Fanatic
                • Aug 2013
                • 14997

                Originally posted by SunEagle
                I hope you weren't "communicating" with your 12 gauge.
                Nope. Was in project management (carrot/stick as needed/appropriate) mode the entire time. 12 gage mode tends to limit available labor pool for the project and hurts the schedule.


                • hcubed
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2015
                  • 16

                  Originally posted by J.P.M.
                  You did it about the same way I did it. Took a bit of coord. and communication on my part, but I believe it was worth it.
                  Yep. I think the biggest thing for me was that both my contractors were willing to communicate with each other. I really didn't have to ride either of them to make sure the right thing happened.


                  • mungosocal
                    • Jun 2015
                    • 38

                    Try to stay patient. I went with one of the popular local San Diego companies and got my roof replaced with another company. Signed a contract in mid-July that had a similar period of performance running to the end of the year. I wasn't thrilled about it but rationalized it as risk mgmt on their part, and if I was really worried about it, then I was choosing the wrong company. To make a long story short, install finishing up next week, scheduled power outage on Wednesday to install new electrical panel. Expectation from solar project manager is approval to operate Sept 3. All of this was pretty undefined until they got their appt date from SDGE for the power cutoff, but with that it all seems to be falling into place. Don't be surprised to feel neglected until you get your power cutoff appt date.


                    • JBinCBad
                      • Dec 2014
                      • 56

                      Thanks for all the anecdotal assurances guys, I'm not trying to be a total A-hole, and I agreed to the later date understanding they'll get to it when they can. I don't have to pay until the install, so I'm not really out of pocket, just hoping, because of the relative simplicity of my install (one roof, good orientation, no HOA, relatively small job) it could move forward quickly. Communication is a good thing, and I know most contractors loath dealing with clients (especially the squeaky ones).

                      I'm still providing referral info, and not asking for a dime in return, but will still disclose my concerns and bitches along the way, as we all benefit from communication.



                      • JBinCBad
                        • Dec 2014
                        • 56

                        Another week, 0 communication (or response to my last request for an update). I guess they just don't want to admit they haven't done anything, and don't have to until the end of the contract period. Its only a day or two of work, but they gave themselves 3 mos. in the contract, I suppose they are in no hurry. Instead of all the glorious sunshine I'm not capturing now, I should have the system in place just in time for El Nino. woohoo. I should have asked others re the timing before I committed, but I"m still hoping they do a good job when/if they do it.


                        • hcubed
                          Junior Member
                          • Jun 2015
                          • 16

                          Originally posted by JBinCBad
                          Another week, 0 communication (or response to my last request for an update). I guess they just don't want to admit they haven't done anything, and don't have to until the end of the contract period. Its only a day or two of work, but they gave themselves 3 mos. in the contract, I suppose they are in no hurry. Instead of all the glorious sunshine I'm not capturing now, I should have the system in place just in time for El Nino. woohoo. I should have asked others re the timing before I committed, but I"m still hoping they do a good job when/if they do it.
                          My contract just spells out the high level details of the system. No timeframe beyond what I initially discussed with my installer. They started install this Tuesday and the panels are up and wiring is almost complete. They are just working on the last run to the panel. Looks like that run will actually penetrate my new roof on the garage and then the wiring will be run to the panel inside the garage. My solar guy is working with my roofer (who has finished) to get that penetration flashed up correctly. Amazingly awesome in my opinion.

                          I guess this really comes down to who your solar company is and how they operate. I went with mine for a combination of price, knowledge and their communication. I am sorry JB that you seemingly are 180 degrees off of my experience. Hope it works out soon.


                          • NMB333
                            Junior Member
                            • Aug 2015
                            • 11

                            Originally posted by JBinCBad
                            Another week, 0 communication (or response to my last request for an update). I guess they just don't want to admit they haven't done anything, and don't have to until the end of the contract period. Its only a day or two of work, but they gave themselves 3 mos. in the contract, I suppose they are in no hurry. Instead of all the glorious sunshine I'm not capturing now, I should have the system in place just in time for El Nino. woohoo. I should have asked others re the timing before I committed, but I"m still hoping they do a good job when/if they do it.
                            Could you please PM me your installer. I am in the process of getting quotes and would appreciate the information.


                            • NMB333
                              Junior Member
                              • Aug 2015
                              • 11

                              Originally posted by hcubed
                              My contract just spells out the high level details of the system. No timeframe beyond what I initially discussed with my installer. They started install this Tuesday and the panels are up and wiring is almost complete. They are just working on the last run to the panel. Looks like that run will actually penetrate my new roof on the garage and then the wiring will be run to the panel inside the garage. My solar guy is working with my roofer (who has finished) to get that penetration flashed up correctly. Amazingly awesome in my opinion.

                              I guess this really comes down to who your solar company is and how they operate. I went with mine for a combination of price, knowledge and their communication. I am sorry JB that you seemingly are 180 degrees off of my experience. Hope it works out soon.
                              Also hcubed, when you are able to PM could you please provide the name of your installer? Thanks!


                              • hcubed
                                Junior Member
                                • Jun 2015
                                • 16

                                Originally posted by NMB333
                                Also hcubed, when you are able to PM could you please provide the name of your installer? Thanks!
                                Have to get my post count up.

                                Wouldn't you know, after I posted that last reply things started to go wonky. Let's just say that I am working with my installler to ensure that the cabling is aesthetically pleasing (as much as possible). They are using Carflex and looping it over my fascia just doesn't work. I need them to follow the contours of the fascia with rigid conduit.

                                If anyone has some pics of good looking conduit coming over the fascia, I would appreciate it.

