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  • makarowski
    • Mar 2014
    • 44

    I can watch from my patio off the master about half of the install on the lower roof... I'll snap some pics for sure and share...

    As for time lapse, I have a go pro, but my daughters have "borrowed it" ...



    • makarowski
      • Mar 2014
      • 44

      The install for the lower roof with 11 panels in two sections is moving along nicely... mounting standoffs are now in...

      talking with the foreman, this install team has done 3 of the 5 homes right around me... the other two were subcontracted to them... looks like I was able to avoid the "margin stack"



      • 12CV2
        Junior Member
        • Mar 2015
        • 11

        Couple of questions to makarowski.

        - Are they really putting P400 optimizes on the LG30x panels instead of the P300? I thought the P400 needs at least 70 or 90 cell modules like Sunpower modules.

        - Did you specify they use the QBase instead of the QHook. Just wondering why an installer would choose the QBase over QHook. The QHook is supposed to be cheaper and faster to install so I would think it would be the default for installers.

        - It looks like plywood under your tile? Shouldn't there be black roofing paper under the tile?


        • makarowski
          • Mar 2014
          • 44

          Yes they are P400's....
          I could have used the P300's ... and even solaredge provided conflicting info on compatibility with the LG305 panels (I had a support ticket with them and they told me I had to use the P400 back in Feb). I believe now they are "allowing" the P300's with the LG305 (that was second hand info from another installer I didn't end up using).

          on the mounting hardware, we only discussed the QBase. I asked the installers about the "hook" style mounting: they had used them in the past but had a few customers complain about rattling noise when the wind blew... they decided they didn't want to deal with the hassle factor and now exclusively use the QBase... they seem quite happy with them. I like the fact they are screwed into the joists, gooped up in sealant/tar/etc and flashed twice below and above the tiles. I shouldn't have any problems for the 5-6 days it rains here.

          and there is some membrane/covering on top of the roofing plywood, thicker than standard roofing paper (you can see the overlap in one of the photos)... its a new home and the builder used a thermal roofing plywood to help with the heat... so he didn't cut too many corners.

          similar to this: http://www.buildgp.com/thermostat-ra...arrier-plywood



          • sensij
            Solar Fanatic
            • Sep 2014
            • 5074

            P300's will be fine with the 305's. P400's have a higher voltage range and were originally marketed for 72+ cell panels. However, another user dug into this a few weeks back and got some information suggesting the P300 product line was being discontinued in favor of the P400's. Both have the same output ratings, it isn't clear that there is any disadvantage to using the P400's, except that they have been slightly more expensive.
            CS6P-260P/SE3000 - http://tiny.cc/ed5ozx


            • bcroe
              Solar Fanatic
              • Jan 2012
              • 5207

              Originally posted by sensij
              P300's will be fine with the 305's. P400's have a higher voltage range and were originally marketed for 72+ cell panels. However, another user dug into this a few weeks back and got some information suggesting the P300 product line was being discontinued in favor of the P400's. Both have the same output ratings, it isn't clear that there is any disadvantage to using the P400's, except that they have been slightly more expensive.
              Sounds to me like they decided to upgrade the transistors and caps to cover a
              higher voltage range, while keeping the size & current capability the same.
              Dropping the earlier model would make sense. Bruce Roe


              • makarowski
                • Mar 2014
                • 44

                The P400 is quite a bit bigger than the P300 (if that is what you are referring to)... looks like a different design and housing, external wiring is a bit different, etc.



                • makarowski
                  • Mar 2014
                  • 44

                  I take that back... I was looking at the wrong image (I have never actually looked at P300 in person, just the P400)... yes they seem to be similar in design if comparing the same -2 vs -5 series variant.



                  • makarowski
                    • Mar 2014
                    • 44

                    The system install was completed last week and City of Carlsbad came out today for inspection and congratulated the installers on a job very clean and well done. He mentioned he is doing about 3-4 PV inspections every day.

                    Now all I need to do is wait for SDG&E approval (I was told 3-11 business days is the current estimate of the queue).



                    • J.P.M.
                      Solar Fanatic
                      • Aug 2013
                      • 14997

                      Originally posted by makarowski
                      The system install was completed last week and City of Carlsbad came out today for inspection and congratulated the installers on a job very clean and well done. He mentioned he is doing about 3-4 PV inspections every day.

                      Now all I need to do is wait for SDG&E approval (I was told 3-11 business days is the current estimate of the queue).

                      FWIW, Folks in my HOA have had some luck calling SDG & E and enquiring in a VERY friendly way as to progress on their approval to operate, keeping in mind honey gets more flies than vinegar.


                      • sensij
                        Solar Fanatic
                        • Sep 2014
                        • 5074

                        I just spent some time on the phone with SDG&E yesterday to help my system's approval move along. If my installation had required a service upgrade, they said I was SOL, the backlog was over 20 business days for someone who isn't already in line. Fortunately, I did not, and they had me approved 24 hour later, once I met a condition that had been overlooked.
                        CS6P-260P/SE3000 - http://tiny.cc/ed5ozx


                        • J.P.M.
                          Solar Fanatic
                          • Aug 2013
                          • 14997

                          Originally posted by sensij
                          i just spent some time on the phone with sdg&e yesterday to help my system's approval move along. If my installation had required a service upgrade, they said i was sol, the backlog was over 20 business days for someone who isn't already in line. Fortunately, i did not, and they had me approved 24 hour later, once i met a condition that had been overlooked.


                          • makarowski
                            • Mar 2014
                            • 44

                            yet another update on my install status:

                            I finally got a chance to call the net metering group at SDG&E:
                            It looks like its almost done!
                            -> the fast track application from my installer was received with all the right photos, so SDG&E will not be needing to do an on-site inspection.
                            -> My meter has already been "reprogrammed"
                            -> It is just going through some final internal review then I should be getting my official "email approval" to operate within 48 hours...

                            They still want me to wait for the email before throwing the switch....
                            My next step is to get the solaredge production data integrated into pvoutput (where I already have my consumption getting logged with a Rainforest Eagle).

                            Its been almost exactly 2 months from contract signing -> Permit to operate



                            • ericf1
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 83

                              If you haven't already received the API #, you will need to e-mail your installer and ask for API and Site ID #'s. Or, if you have administrator access to your SE monitoring (not likely), you can get it directly through the SE portal by clicking the ADMIN icon (Next to the DASHBOARD, LAYOUT, CHART, REPORTS and ALERTS icons).
                              24xLG300N+SE7600 [url]http://tiny.cc/n7ucvx[/url]


                              • makarowski
                                • Mar 2014
                                • 44

                                The installers are coming by tomorrow with an updated zigbee kit (one they had was bad) and they will be giving me the access level for the API...

                                one interesting thing I just observed: my rainforest eagle seems to be having problems with reading my sdg&E meter... it looks like at around 9:15am (guessing when SDG&E reprogrammed my meter) it got stuck/stopped reporting. rebooting the Eagle hasn't helped. The webui on Eagle says its connected to the meter, but the data is not being read correctly.... Hmmm anyone see this issue before?

                                Capture 1.JPGCapture.JPGCapture2.JPG

                                here is my pvoutput page that just has my consumption so far (I will add the solaredge generation this weekend):

                                PVOutput.org - share, compare and monitor live solar photovoltaic output data

