When you are a net consumer for the month (i.e., you consume more electricity from SCE than you export to the grid), a portion of your energy charges will be lowered through the baseline credit applied monthly on a $per kWh basis. For example:
• If a customer has a Baseline Allocation of 500 kWh/month and their net kWh (consumption from SCE minus exported generation) for the month is 750 kWh, the customer will receive 10 cents per kWh credit up to the 500 kWh Baseline amount, equal to a $50 credit.
• If a customer has a Baseline Allocation of 500 kWh/month and their net kWh for the month is 250 kWh, the customer will receive 10 cents per kWh credit up to the net 250 kWh, equal to a $25 credit.
Net Generator of Electricity
When you are a net generator for the month (i.e., you export more electricity than you consume from SCE that month), the Baseline Credit will appear as a monthly charge since you are multiplying a negative kWh amount by a negative billing factor. This is necessary to ensure that you receive the same rate for the exported kWh that you would have received if you had consumed that same kWh from SCE.
For example, if a customer has a Baseline Allocation of 500 kWh/month, and their net kWh for the month is -100 kWh (exported generation is greater than consumption from SCE), the customer’s bill will reflect a 10 cents per kWh charge up to the net -100 kWh of generation, which results in a $10 charge.
the calculation were done at end of each statement on net consumption. Orange County is region 8, I believe winter 9.2kWh/day Summer 10.1kWh/day baseline.