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  • karl0525
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2014
    • 20


    Txu free nights plan/going solar north texas

    I have a quick question about the future and my energy provider
    I am in the process of getting a 9.9 kw roof mount and i am enrolled with txu. The plan i have is called (Txu free nights 30).I pay 17 cents a kw from 6am to 9 pm and from 9pm to 6am it is free(yes completely free no tdu charges or anything)
    yes i know that the day price of 17 cents a kw is really high but i've moved a lot of usage to nights (pool pump--chevy volt charges at night etc)
    I have done really well in this plane and wonder what is going to happen when i go solar. Does anybody have this plan or something similar, my concern is that my over production of the day time hours will be used up during the free time(when there is high demand).I hope my free hours stay the same and i get credit for use in the 6am-9pm time frame i hope this makes sense. Thanks
  • Sunking
    Solar Fanatic
    • Feb 2010
    • 23301

    Why would you volunteer to pay 17-cents per Kwh for the time of highest demand when you use 75% of your daily power when the rest of th efolks in TX pay less than 8-cents for all they want anytime they want? This is a scam started years ago in Wisconsin and Washington before being busted. In essence you are asking for a large rate increase.
    MSEE, PE


    • karl0525
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2014
      • 20

      Originally posted by Sunking
      Why would you volunteer to pay 17-cents per Kwh for the time of highest demand when you use 75% of your daily power when the rest of th efolks in TX pay less than 8-cents for all they want anytime they want? This is a scam started years ago in Wisconsin and Washington before being busted. In essence you are asking for a large rate increase.
      As I said this plan works for me. We have moved on average 80% of our usage to nights coming to 5-6 cents a paid kW
      I know this will not last forever and want to secure my future energy


      • Ian S
        Solar Fanatic
        • Sep 2011
        • 1879

        Originally posted by karl0525
        I have done really well in this plane and wonder what is going to happen when i go solar.
        First question would be can you continue on this plan once you go solar? Also, does the utility offer net metering and how does that work - not all net metering is the same.


        • karl0525
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2014
          • 20

          Originally posted by Ian S
          First question would be can you continue on this plan once you go solar? Also, does the utility offer net metering and how does that work - not all net metering is the same.
          Yes i hope i get to keep the same plan and could still use all i want at night. Just wondering if anybody else had something similar.
          I tried calling txu today and after 3 pepole they transfered me to there solar partner which i tryed to tell them the info i was looking for
          and even they were dumb founded, I guess iam going to have my installer look into it maybe they have a contact.


          • Sunking
            Solar Fanatic
            • Feb 2010
            • 23301

            Texas and Air Conditioning.
            MSEE, PE


            • DanS26
              Solar Fanatic
              • Dec 2011
              • 982

              Originally posted by karl0525
              I have a quick question about the future and my energy provider
              I am in the process of getting a 9.9 kw roof mount and i am enrolled with txu. The plan i have is called (Txu free nights 30).I pay 17 cents a kw from 6am to 9 pm and from 9pm to 6am it is free(yes completely free no tdu charges or anything)
              yes i know that the day price of 17 cents a kw is really high but i've moved a lot of usage to nights (pool pump--chevy volt charges at night etc)
              I have done really well in this plane and wonder what is going to happen when i go solar. Does anybody have this plan or something similar, my concern is that my over production of the day time hours will be used up during the free time(when there is high demand).I hope my free hours stay the same and i get credit for use in the 6am-9pm time frame i hope this makes sense. Thanks
              I do this type of analysis all the time.

              I set up a TED system to replicate a utility TOU rate schedule, but I do not subscribe to TOU in real time. Thus I can compare what TOU charges would have been to my actual utility bill. It works well. I compare monthly.

              Most of the time, TOU is a break even to a little worse for my usage patterns.

              My biggest gripe about TOU is that you are subservient to the utility schedule. You have to adjust to their schedule, but tell that to my wife when she wants to bake a cake or do the laundry. When she is not happy, then I'm not happy if you know what I mean.

