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Solar Powered 1.5 HP Motor
I agree that they do not provide much in the way of details, but with a couple of not unreasonable assumptions it falls within the realm of feasibility, even if it turns out that they never sell one. (Wow, one of the brochures actually shows a picture of the green model (painted blue) in use at a fast food restaurant, so they have shipped at least one...)
They actually have some minimal specifications on the site, it is just hard to find them.Four premium deep cycle batteries
1. The system will get intermittent use, and at least half of the cycle time will be compressing without much resistance or returning to idle position with little resistance.
2. The system without solar already may already include a VFD or similar electronics, since it can be operated off single phase power (although possibly with longer cycle time, using only a 3/4 HP motor.)
3. In some uses, the majority of compactor cycles would take place during daylight hours when the PV is producing, minimizing the battery storage required, since it has time to recharge between uses.
4. Since the hydraulics are separately valve controlled, the pump motor can be started completely unloaded. Hmm. The solar/hybrid units at least actually use a variable displacement pump for the most efficient combination of quick cycle time and maximum pressure for a given pump motor power.
5. The description includes the infamous qualification that PV will supply "up to" 100% of the power needs. Not too hard to meet that.
6. Combining solar and line charging allows them to run the compactor with a smaller electrical input than would be necessary without the battery storage, even if the PV produces nothing. But it does mean that the batteries will be cycling with every compaction cycle.SunnyBoy 3000 US, 18 BP Solar 175B panels.Comment