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Final Quotes, need guidance
I finally chose option 2 @ $3.27 per DC watt.
I also received quotes for Sun Power at $3.67, but I thought they were still expensive.Comment
The due diligence and homework you have done will pay off. Congrads on the decision. Be prepared for a lot of folks asking for PM's about where you got Sunpower for $3.67/Watt. That may be close to vendor's cost.Comment
I'm assuming the question is if getting 8.5kw from a 11kw array acceptable...
In this case, there are two arrays, one south facing and one west facing. The maximum panel output for both arrays does not occur at the same time. The panels do put out ~ 250 watts at their peak right now, not sure what they will put out in June (or December) but for now, I'm pretty happy with the results.Comment
You might see more savings in year 1 from options other than SunPower but years 20-30 Sunpower will still be producing 90-95% of original output. The other 2 options will be producing 75-80% of original output. The difference accounting for inflation will be significant.Comment
You might see more savings in year 1 from options other than SunPower but years 20-30 Sunpower will still be producing 90-95% of original output. The other 2 options will be producing 75-80% of original output. The difference accounting for inflation will be significant.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Comment
You might see more savings in year 1 from options other than SunPower but years 20-30 Sunpower will still be producing 90-95% of original output. The other 2 options will be producing 75-80% of original output. The difference accounting for inflation will be significant.
SunPower warrants that for 25 years beginning on the Warranty Start Date (the “Warranty Period”), its PV Modules shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal application, installation, use and service conditions, and the power output of the PV Modules will be at least 95% of the Minimum Peak Power rating for the first 5 years, and declining by no more than 0.4% per year for the following 20 years, so the power output at the end of the final year of the 25 year warranty period will be at least 87% of the Minimum Peak Power rating.CS6P-260P/SE3000 -
Not even Sunpower is making that claim. From their warranty:
SunPower warrants that for 25 years beginning on the Warranty Start Date (the “Warranty Period”), its PV Modules shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal application, installation, use and service conditions, and the power output of the PV Modules will be at least 95% of the Minimum Peak Power rating for the first 5 years, and declining by no more than 0.4% per year for the following 20 years, so the power output at the end of the final year of the 25 year warranty period will be at least 87% of the Minimum Peak Power rating.Comment