You may want to take into account that tiers 3 and 4 will probably go away in the next few years, while tier 1 will go up. PG&E wants to collapse tiers 2 through 4 into one tier about 20% higher than tier 1. It'll change the economics of solar. I think SDG&E has the same plan going.
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Getting bids for system in the OC
Quick update with some pics of the install.
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Now if I can get the Envoy to update so it can be wireless that would be great.....Comment
What problems are you having with your Envoy? Mine is from last year so I have the Ethernet port only, but I connected it to a wireless client device that lets me connect it over Wi-fi to my network.4kW DC solar w/microinverters, Chevy VoltComment
The Envoy needed to update to a newer version before it could use the USB wifi dongle. Got it updated this morning and it senses it just fine. The USB is a TP-Link model #TL-WN721N and costs about $12-15 online. Just plug it in and you can attach the Envoy to your Wifi.Comment
That is awesome. How long did it take to get permits from the time you signed the contract? Just started my process by signing the contract. The cost is 3.22/W and includes 26 LG 280W panels and an SMA Inverted. I did not go with string inverters because my roof is delicate and wanted to minimize future foot traffic on it for any warranty repairs and also liked the 1,500W outlet box on the inverter that allows you to plug things in during a power outage. I figure it will be a month before I can get it installed.
Thanks for you help, if not for you, I would have paid much more.Comment
That is awesome. How long did it take to get permits from the time you signed the contract? Just started my process by signing the contract. The cost is 3.22/W and includes 26 LG 280W panels and an SMA Inverted. I did not go with string inverters because my roof is delicate and wanted to minimize future foot traffic on it for any warranty repairs and also liked the 1,500W outlet box on the inverter that allows you to plug things in during a power outage. I figure it will be a month before I can get it installed.
Thanks for you help, if not for you, I would have paid much more.Comment
Took 32 days to get everything installed. Permitting is quick in my city. Still need a final inspection before net metering is enabled with SCE. Not sure how long that will take.Comment
That is awesome. How long did it take to get permits from the time you signed the contract? Just started my process by signing the contract. The cost is 3.22/W and includes 26 LG 280W panels and an SMA Inverted. I did not go with string inverters because my roof is delicate and wanted to minimize future foot traffic on it for any warranty repairs and also liked the 1,500W outlet box on the inverter that allows you to plug things in during a power outage. I figure it will be a month before I can get it installed.
Thanks for you help, if not for you, I would have paid much more.16xLG300N1C+SE6000[url][/url]Comment
I went with Rob Smith at Solar Symphony, PM me for the contact info as I'm not sure what I can post here, but tell him I sent you. He's the owner, so no sales commission overhead many of these outfits have.Comment
The Envoy needed to update to a newer version before it could use the USB wifi dongle. Got it updated this morning and it senses it just fine. The USB is a TP-Link model #TL-WN721N and costs about $12-15 online. Just plug it in and you can attach the Envoy to your Wifi.4kW DC solar w/microinverters, Chevy VoltComment
Quick update. Panels are producing between 27 - 20 kwh a day depending on temp and cloud/fog. SCE turned Net Metering on Sept. 27th, a little over two weeks after final inspection. So far so good. Thanks again for everyone's help.Comment
Oh man, you are lucky, 2 weeks. I'm still waiting for SDG&E to give me permission to operate. Luckily it's the time of year with the lowest usage, but just anxious to get my first under $200 bill in years.Comment