2 Storedge inverters, 2 batteries, 1 load panel?

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  • FogHill
    • Feb 2018
    • 32


    2 Storedge inverters, 2 batteries, 1 load panel?

    Getting around to adding batteries for backup to my system which has two Solaredge Storedge inverters. If each inverter gets one LG Chem RESU10H battery and one Solaredge Auto-transformer, can both inverters feed the one main panel instead of two separate subpanels as depicted on page 28 “Additional Capacity and Power with Multiple Inverters” of https://www.solaredge.com/sites/defa...n_guide_na.pdf

    I ask because the main panel located near the inverters hosts only the local garage circuits and connects to a distant inside panel which hosts all the separate house circuits so subpanels are not practical. I would prefer all the panels and both batteries be able to provide power to the house during an outage.
  • FogHill
    • Feb 2018
    • 32

    Maybe the SolarEdge Backup Interface https://www.solaredge.com/sites/defa...tasheet-na.pdf would work here. Anyone have one?
    Maybe not if the BI cannot accept multiple StorEdge inverters, only HDWave models.
    Last edited by FogHill; 06-23-2020, 08:16 PM.


    • scrambler
      Solar Fanatic
      • Mar 2019
      • 502

      The storedge and its associated battery have two separate outputs. The main output to the house panel that sends all solar production surplus to the grid when grid tied, and an output to a separate Critical loads panels that becomes Isolated from the grid during an outage, so the Inverter and battery can keep powering that safely without risk of sending power to the grid.

      If you did not have batteries before, then you probably did not have a critical loads panel, and so that will have to be created. New panel, and critical loads moved from House panel to it.

      Now as far as connecting the critical load output of both inverters to a single critical load panel, I am not sure if it can support it.
      During an outage, the Inverter has to monitor the loads of the critical load panel in order to regulate solar production so that it does not exceed what can be used by the Critical loads and the battery charging.

      I am not sure how or if this monitoring could work if there was two different inverters connected to the same critical load panel. That would be a question for Solaredge.

      EDIT and cross posted with yours), The Backup interface appears to be the way you could combine several inverters (up to 3) to do a full house backup.
      Last edited by scrambler; 06-23-2020, 08:30 PM.


      • FogHill
        • Feb 2018
        • 32

        Thanks. Correct, there is no critical loads panel. I learned about SE’s BI after starting this thread. I will update once I hear from my installer.

