30kW Hybrid solar PV system in Australia

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  • solar pete
    • May 2014
    • 1823


    30kW Hybrid solar PV system in Australia

    Howdy All,

    I know this has been a little while coming but here it is. Firstly definitions on what a Hybrid solar system is will vary. I think this is the definition we will run with for now, until someone comes up with something better." A hybrid solar system is a grid tied solar PV system that also has battery storage".

    My brother Andy has just built a new house on his block of land in the Adelaide hills. Andy owns Solar Wholesalers in Adelaide and is a part owner of our site sponsor www.solarreviews.com I mention this as the following system will not make sense to many people. Andy's house is large, very large and he wanted to design a system that would be big enough to run the daily day time load of the house while at the same time having enough solar to charge the batteries everyday as well. The reason is that we only have a FIT (feed in tarif) here of 4 cents per kilowatt hour feed back to the grid. So the plan is to run the house of the panels (well effectively anyway) during the day and run the house of the battery at night to avoid paying 36 cents per kilowatt hour from the grid.. Now our grid here is very reliable only a few power outages a year generally for less that 2 hours. We have no generator plugged into the system, however we can access a 12KVA genny at very short notice if required, (has one for the solar install business, its needed every now and again)

    Ok so here are the stats and some photos.

    30kW PV array, 120 x Sunrise SR-P660250 panels, ground mounted about 100 meters from the battery bunker next to the house.
    Inverter's are Kaco 6kW x 3 and Kaco 3.3 x3
    CC are Selectronic SP Pro 7.5kW x 3
    Batteries, Kweight, VRLA, 2V, 1000amp x 60 ( basically cheap Chinese battery)

    The system is 120V and is set as 3 x 10kW units so we can run 3 phase equipment.
    There was some debate as to what to use but Andy trumped everyone as its his $$, just for the record I wanted to go with SMA.

    We have been looking for a cheap battery for a while as more and more people inquire about it but for most it still dont make a lot of sense, so the theory is if we can find a reliable cheap battery we will sell them. We are doing this as a bit of an experiment as well.

    The system is not turned on yet as we are waiting for a few more bits to turn up, but hopefully its going by next week. By the way we average about 4kW/hrs per kilowatt of installed capacity, so a 30kW system will average 120kW/hrs per day.

    Ok photo,s wont upload? I'll have to work it out later, is there a trick to it?
  • inetdog
    Super Moderator
    • May 2012
    • 9909

    Originally posted by solar pete

    Ok photo,s wont upload? I'll have to work it out later, is there a trick to it?
    1. There is a limit to the size (in bytes) of photo files that are uploaded to the site. (The ATTACH method.)
    2. You should be able to edit the pictures to a lower resolution and ATTACH them, but you will lose detail and may not find that satisfactory. It depends on the photos.
    3. Instead you can host the photo files at a separate site (e.g. photobucket or a private server) and insert IMAGE links to the direct URLs of the photos.

    If that does not work, let us know.
    SunnyBoy 3000 US, 18 BP Solar 175B panels.


    • SunEagle
      Super Moderator
      • Oct 2012
      • 15152

      Originally posted by solar pete
      Howdy All,

      30kW PV array, 120 x Sunrise SR-P660250 panels, ground mounted about 100 meters from the battery bunker next to the house.
      Inverter's are Kaco 6kW x 3 and Kaco 3.3 x3
      CC are Selectronic SP Pro 7.5kW x 3
      Batteries, Kweight, VRLA, 2V, 1000amp x 60 ( basically cheap Chinese battery)

      Looking forward to seeing pictures of this system.

      Based on the 2v and number of batteries I am figuring they are wired in 12Sx5P for a 24volt 5000Ah system. That is huge.


      • Solar Battery
        Junior Member
        • Jun 2015
        • 3

        Thanks for using kweight battery

        Batteries, Kweight, VRLA, 2V, 1000amp x 60 ( basically cheap Chinese battery)

        To solar pete,

        This is helen from Kweight battery in China,

        Thank you using our products gel battery 2v1000ah

        Last edited by solar pete; 06-30-2015, 07:34 PM. Reason: advertising links removed


        • inetdog
          Super Moderator
          • May 2012
          • 9909

          A very interesting battery! With four terminal points for each polarity and two vent/fill caps.
          Is it really one single electrolyte tank and does it have internal connectors from terminal to terminal?
          Or is it two electrolyte reservoirs in one case? And depends on external bus bar for connectivity of all of the plates?

          60S for 120V DC, wow! I did not know that SMA made a standalone inverter that could take that high a voltage. Or is that one of the reasons for the Kaco?

          Is he using the batteries as input to a grid tie inverter instead of just the panels? If so, how does the MPPT react to the stiff voltage source?
          Or is it a hybrid inverter that expects to be run from batteries which may also be concurrently charged by the panels (DC coupled hybrid, right?)
          Last edited by inetdog; 06-30-2015, 04:34 AM.
          SunnyBoy 3000 US, 18 BP Solar 175B panels.


          • Solar Battery
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2015
            • 3

            battery contect one by one with terminals

            Yes,battery contect one by one,August 2014 we developed a new series 2v1000ah with 4 terminals.pls check attachment 48v200ah battery bank(24pcs 2v200ah battery contect in series)and 2v1000ah battery picture.
            2V1000AH.jpg48v200ah battery bnak.jpg


            • Solar Battery
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2015
              • 3

              120V DC system need 60pcs 2v battery connect in series

              120V DC system need 60pcs 2v battery connect in series.


              • Naptown
                Solar Fanatic
                • Feb 2011
                • 6880

                Batteries in the US are limited to 48 v for most applications residential.
                Over that and a whole other can of worms opens up.
                NABCEP certified Technical Sales Professional


                [URL]http://www.calculator.net/voltage-drop-calculator.html[/URL] (Voltage drop Calculator among others)



                • solar pete
                  • May 2014
                  • 1823

                  Hi All,

                  Word on the street is that Adam our main sparky is going to get the system up and running today
                  I hope to get some photo's up in the next day or two

                  P.S yeh I dont think the SMA would be able to do 120v, not sure though, I will have a chat to Ad's if I can get up there today


                  • Naptown
                    Solar Fanatic
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 6880

                    My recollection is sunny islands are limited to 48 v
                    Just curious why you didn't go with a Xantrex ZW hybrid system.
                    NABCEP certified Technical Sales Professional


                    [URL]http://www.calculator.net/voltage-drop-calculator.html[/URL] (Voltage drop Calculator among others)



                    • SunEagle
                      Super Moderator
                      • Oct 2012
                      • 15152

                      Originally posted by Naptown
                      My recollection is sunny islands are limited to 48 v
                      Just curious why you didn't go with a Xantrex ZW hybrid system.
                      I am not sure how to compare the Xantrex to the Selectronic SP Pro inverters solor pete is referring.

                      There is a Hybrid version SPMC1201-6.0 which does have a 120V DC input rating for a 7.5kw box.


                      • solar pete
                        • May 2014
                        • 1823

                        It is ALIVE

                        Hi All,

                        Just had a chat to Andy and his 30kW hybrid system is now up and going, Adam our main sparky got it going. The reason we went with SEL Tronics and KACO rather than SMA is that we need to run three phase equipment, and use 120volts system. It was Andys assumption that the Sunny Islands want to work with three seperate banks of batteries rather than one great big 120volt battery that we effectivlly have, due to lare air conds and pool heaters.

                        There were issues, he went to check after first night running and the batteries were still full, it turned out the SEL Tronics equiptment thought the grid was a genny so it ran off grid power all night. They worked that bit out yesterday and have turned on a block grid function on a timer so the house will run off batteries at night and charge them during the day, as was intended. Now I found this bit interesting they have decided to set DOD at 50%, I would have assumed a DOD of 25% but no we are going to work these bad boys

                        Photo's to come, I promise, give me a couple of days, cheers all.


                        • SunEagle
                          Super Moderator
                          • Oct 2012
                          • 15152

                          Originally posted by solar pete
                          Hi All,

                          Just had a chat to Andy and his 30kW hybrid system is now up and going, Adam our main sparky got it going. The reason we went with SEL Tronics and KACO rather than SMA is that we need to run three phase equipment, and use 120volts system. It was Andys assumption that the Sunny Islands want to work with three seperate banks of batteries rather than one great big 120volt battery that we effectivlly have, due to lare air conds and pool heaters.

                          There were issues, he went to check after first night running and the batteries were still full, it turned out the SEL Tronics equiptment thought the grid was a genny so it ran off grid power all night. They worked that bit out yesterday and have turned on a block grid function on a timer so the house will run off batteries at night and charge them during the day, as was intended. Now I found this bit interesting they have decided to set DOD at 50%, I would have assumed a DOD of 25% but no we are going to work these bad boys

                          Photo's to come, I promise, give me a couple of days, cheers all.
                          Thanks for the status update pete.

                          I am looking forward to seeing some pics as well as data on how the batteries perform with a daily 50% DOD.


                          • DanKegel
                            • Sep 2014
                            • 2093

                            Originally posted by solar pete
                            they have decided to set DOD at 50%, I would have assumed a DOD of 25% but no we are going to work these bad boys
                            Isn't that against the Geneva Convention?


                            • solar pete
                              • May 2014
                              • 1823

                              Some Pics

                              Howdy All

                              Attempting to get some photos up.

                              Ahhhh crap, didnt work will have to get someone who knows what they are doing to help me, maybe tomorrow

