Sunpower Bankruptcy and Arizona SOlar Concepts

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  • snifferpro
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2020
    • 21


    Sunpower Bankruptcy and Arizona SOlar Concepts

    I've had a Sunpower solar system installed since 2019. I believe it is an Equinox system.
    System has been very good. Initially I was able to monitor per panel data which Sunpower eventually pulled the plug on.
    Anyway, I received a letter that Sunpower is entering bankruptcy.
    That prompted me to check with my local installer Arizona Solar Concepts to see how service would be handled going forward?
    To my surprise ASC's is now closed.
    So, if Sunpower is bankrupt and ASC's is closed what are my options should I need service?
    Just trying to stay prepared in the event I ever do need service.
    Also this thread may help other AZ custromers of Sunpower and Arizona Solar Concepts.
    Suggestions and or recommendations.
  • Rade
    Solar Fanatic
    • Aug 2023
    • 144

    I have responded elsewhere to a similar issue; perhaps this advice will help you.

    When we were working with various solar vendors in our region (Rhode Island), the vendor we chose (regional Generac rep) told us that a lot of their work comes from people (in your situation) where the installer and / or regional vendor disappeared. He said they take on a lot of these clients for maintenance of installed systems. That the request is not uncommon. Don't sweat it; you are in a good place - your system is still functioning. Look around, see who the other major vendors are in Arizona and reach out to them.

    On our Generac inverter, I have learned that the control system hardware is a Raspberry Pi box running Linux (no, I am not about to hack into it, I like my 20-year warranty, thank you...). I don't know if folks on this forum would know what the Sunpower inverter is running on or if there are options for end users to evaluate the OS for security updates along with a FOSS (Free and Open Software Solutions) repository. I know some members here are into that level of knowledge; I am not. It may be something to explore of you strike out on finding a regional system management company.
    Rade Radosevich-Slay
    Tiverton, RI


    • snifferpro
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2020
      • 21

      Sometime in late December of 2024 access to the Sun Power PC monitoring site stopped responding.
      The site I visited daily is ""
      The response I get is
      " Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

      We can’t connect to the server at

      I used this site instead of the app on my phone because of poor vision.
      The PC interface is much easier for me to read on a 35 inch monitor.
      Since Sun Power is not accepting any emails, how do I find out why I can no longer access
      the above mentioned website.
      I know the servers are still functioning because I still get a monthly report from Sun Power
      from that site sent to me by email.

      Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


      • ajonestx
        • Apr 2021
        • 76

        Similar problem here. We have SunPower system and installer went out of business. I have a single problematic panel / microinverter (MI) that I am having to get repaired out of pocket. IF you have SunPower MI made by Enphase, Enphase said they will cover the MI warranty - you just need to find out. I believe that Enphase started making MI for SunPower around the time of your install (2019), so you might be ok for warranty work. Your panels might have been made by Maxeon (SunPower did tell me that mine were made by Maxeon) - not sure how you can confirm.


        • snifferpro
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2020
          • 21

          ajonestx - Sunpower site list of panels and warranty information

          Sunpower site also lists service providers in AZ
          State-by-state list of SunPower Service Providers who are offering discounts to SunPower customers.

          General Info
          Go solar with SunPower, the top-rated solar company in the U.S. and America's provider of high-quality, reliable home solar and renewable-energy solutions.

          how do you know you have an under performing panel? Just curious.


          • sdold
            • Jun 2014
            • 1445

            Snifferpro: Sorry your post went to moderation, the links caused it to happen automatically. Should be good now.


            • ajonestx
              • Apr 2021
              • 76

              snifferpro - how do I know if I have an underperforming panel? Somehow, I was able to get access to SunPower's panel level output a couple of years back (I think it was a beta). On a particular sunny day a couple of months back, I took a snap shot of one panel with output about 10% to 15% of the panels adjacent to it (there is no isolated shade at this location). Note: I still have access to SunPower portal via app on my phone, but not on my laptop via web (like you). I am considering having Enphase monitoring equipment installed, but just not ready to drop $700 or $800 for it. Below is the total production for a typical sunny day in kWh - upper left panel with 0.17 kWh is my problem child / the lower left panels are lower due to shade from a tree.



              • snifferpro
                Junior Member
                • Jun 2020
                • 21

                ajonestx - that panel definitely looks under performing.
                Do you still have per panel access? I had it for a couple of months. It was not beta, Sunpower removed access because of too many
                calls from customers. I can't even remember how I got access so I'll have to look through my docs to see if I still have the access
                I did have an under performing panel myself which I was able to see through the per panel monitoring. When the service tech
                came out and went up on the roof, I followed him. When he lifted the panel I could see the red light on the MI. There should never
                be a red light on the MI. They resolved the issue and sometime after, access was denied on the per panel site.
                If you are in Arizona, was your installer Arizona Solar Concepts? They were my installer and they have since gone out of business.
                According to the Sunpower website, there are 2 vendors listed if you need service.
                I haven't seen a reason to call them yet as my system appears to be performing normally.
                If you do get service on the under performing panel, please post back as your experiences may help others.


                • snifferpro
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2020
                  • 21

                  ajonestx - just did a quick check and found some information on the per panel monitoring site.
                  Here is the URL -
                  when I went to the address I got the 404 error message.


                  • ajonestx
                    • Apr 2021
                    • 76

                    snifferpro - I still have access to panel level data via SunPower portal via app on my phone, but not on my laptop via web. I am not in Arizona. I'll share any reports on repairs - right now, I am waiting for an installer to obtain a price for an Enphase MI replacement for my Solarbridge inverter.


                    • ajonestx
                      • Apr 2021
                      • 76

                      Originally posted by snifferpro
                      ajonestx - just did a quick check and found some information on the per panel monitoring site.
                      Here is the URL -
                      when I went to the address I got the 404 error message.
                      Yes, I think that access point was disabled several years ago - it was a little clunky, but very good!
                      Last edited by ajonestx; 01-14-2025, 12:16 PM.


                      • snifferpro
                        Junior Member
                        • Jun 2020
                        • 21

                        can you share how you get access on your phone?


                        • ajonestx
                          • Apr 2021
                          • 76

                          Originally posted by snifferpro
                          can you share how you get access on your phone?
                          question #1? Do you have the SunPower app on your phone? If so, do you see the icons at the bottom of the screen (after opening the app). Should be (from left to right), HOME, ANALYZE, PANELS, AND THEN PROFILE. Click panels (if you have it) to see panel data.


                          • snifferpro
                            Junior Member
                            • Jun 2020
                            • 21

                            No PANELS on my Iphone app.
                            May be because I think I have Maxeon panels.
                            But if you have that on your phone, I would not update the app.
                            I would love to see per panel statistics, but I guess I will have to wait to see what happens
                            after all the bankruptcy issues are complete.
                            I have seen somewhere that SunStrong will be assuming some of the Sunpower monitoring.
                            Haven't tried to login to SunStrong yet but will get to it hopefully this week.


                            • Tech4EasyLife
                              Junior Member
                              • Jan 2025
                              • 1

                              I understood that SunStrong was only inheriting leased hardware and contracts. I'm trying to help resolve issues for a neighbor with SunPower but he purchased his with cash. And he also unfortunately ended up buying panels subcontracted to an Indian panel manufacturer and not through Maxeon. So he's got warranty concerns, too. Maxeon has stated they will inherit and honor warranties to panels supplied through them.

